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Sequence of Operation
CFM can be determined by referencing the chart and utilizing the for-
mula below. Both Ka and L/m values are constants. See the PAMS
chart provided with your unit for Ka and l/m for your specific unit.
The unit is installed in the outside air opening and furnished with a damper actuator, factory calibrated
control panel with microprocessor and integral pressure transducer (model AMS070V). A control signal
equal to the desired air flow (reference sample I/O chart on Page 10), is sent to the AMS050 control panel.
The microprocessor compares the setpoint input signal with the actual flow and positions the damper
actuator to maintain the specified CFM. For the example on Page 10, if a 3 VDC signal is sent to the con-
troller, the damper would be modulated to restrict or increase flow until 5,200 CFM ±5% is reported. For
further details reference the AMS070V Wiring schematic.