2. Serial Protocols
ROS® v3.11User Guide
2.2. Serial Protocols Operation
2.2.1. Serial Encapsulation Applications Character Encapsulation (Raw Socket)
Character encapsulation is used any time a stream of characters must be reliably transported
across a network.
Character streams can be created by any type of device. The baud rates supported at either
server need not be the same. If configured, the server will obey XON/XOFF flow control from
the end devices.
Figure 2.1. Character Encapsulation RTU Polling
The following applies to a variety of RTU protocols, including Modbus ASCII and DNP.
If a given device or service employs a serial protocol that is supported by ROS®,
it is advised to configure ROS® to use that particular protocol, rather than another
one (e.g. RawSocket) that can be made to be (partly) compatible.
Host equipment may connect directly to a RuggedServer™ via a serial port, may use a port
redirection package, or may connect natively to the (Ethernet / IP) network.
Figure 2.2. RTU Polling