RTK Instruments Limited
St James Business Park,
Knaresborough, North Yorkshire,
England. HG5 8PJ
Telephone: +44 (0)1423 580500
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DA-132 Rev 0
Manufacturers of
Alarm Annunciators and Systems | Sequential Event
Recorders | Display Facias | Hazardous Area Interface,
Alarm and Display Products | Signal Conditioning &
Trip Amplifiers | Process Instrumentation
ISO 9001
FM 14290
Intrinsically Safe Sounder Type DA132
The DA132 Sounder is a lightweight warning Sounder, certified to Ex II 1G Ex ia IIC T4 (Ta –20
C to 55
C) with
32 user-selectable tones, and an output level of over 100dB. The Sounder enclosure is also rated to IP65.
The DA132 can be connected to the DA135 to create a single point annunciator, from a single zener barrier or
galvanic isolator.
Connection Details
To generate the second tone connect the –ve supply to
terminal 1 or short to terminal 2.
NOTE: Sounder must be powered via a suitable
Zener barrier or Galvanic Isolator to prevent
damage to the sounder
The Sounder should be mounted using the two
available fixing holes in the base. It is recommended
that stainless steel nuts and bolts be used if the
environment is corrosive.
Removing and Replacing the cover
If required the mechanism for locking the Sounder to
the base can be activated by removing the thin section
of plastic shown in Fig 1 with side cutters or a similar
tool. To open a locked head, remove the small black
bung from the hole on the side of the sounder, insert a
thin wire/pointer to depress the clip whilst twisting the
Weatherproof Installation
The O-ring and bung must be fitted and suitable cable
glands used to achieve an IP65 rating. In order to avoid
collection of moisture in the speaker horn, the Sounder
should not be installed with the grille facing directly
Cable termination should be in accordance with
specifications application of the installation.
The base has three knockouts, two on the side and one
on the base, to accommodate a 20mm conduit or M20
cable glands.
Ensure that only the correct glands are used to maintain
the IP rating of the final assembly
Recommended Cable
0.5 to 2.5mm
with earthed screen and insulating
sheath. Cable parameters are determined by the output
parameters of the interface selected.
Sound Level
The sound level for each of the individual tones are
shown in Table 2. This is assuming the DA132 set at full
volume, driven from a suitable IS interface as shown in
Table 1. A single turn potentiometer is provided to
reduce the volume level by a minimum of 15dB.
Fig.1 Remove
tab to lock