Realtimes Beijing Technology Co.,LTD
Z508 Reference Manual V1.4
3.3 Sample application
JetPack includes several examples that demonstrate the use of JetPack components.
They are stored in the reference file system and can be compiled in the developer toolkit.
3.4 Developer tools
JetPack includes the following development tools. Some are used directly on the Jetson system, and some
run on a Linux host connected to the Jetson system.
•Application development and debugging tools
version for GPU accelerated application development: runs on a Linux host. Support all
Jetson products.
for application debugging: Run on Jetson system or Linux host. Support all Jetson products.
debug application memory error: run on Jetson system. Support all Jetson products.
•Application analysis and optimization tools
for application multi-core CPU evaluation: run on a Linux host. Helps you improve
application performance by identifying the slower parts of the code. Support all Jetson products.
Kernel Analyzer: An interactive analysis tool for CUDA applications. It
provides detailed performance indicators and API debugging through user interface and command line tools.
for graphics application debugging and evaluation: a consolegrade tool for debugging
and optimizing OpenGL and OpenGL ES programs. Run on the Linux host. Support all Jetson products.