Realtimes Beijing Technology Co.,LTD.
Rtso-9003 user manual version V2.0
4.2 NVIDIA Jetpack for L4T
NVIDIA JetPack SDK is the most comprehensive solution for building AI applications. Use the
JetPack installer to flash your Jetson Developer Kit with the latest OS image, to install developer
tools for both host PC and Developer Kit, and to install the libraries and APIs, samples, and
documentation needed to jumpstart your development environment.
4.3 Recovery MODE
To update your system, you will need to be in Force USB Recovery Mode so you can transfer system
software to the developer board. When in Force USB Recovery Mode, you are able to update system
software and write the boot loader, boot configuration table (BCT), and partition configuration to the
device. See the Platform Software documentation for OS specific instructions when updating system
software on your developer board.
Procedure to place system in Force USB Recovery Mode:
1. Power down the device. If connected, remove the AC adapter from the device. The device must be powered
OFF, and not in a suspend or sleep state.
2. Connect the USB cable to the device and the host PC.
3. Connect the power adapter to the device.
4. With the system powered on:
Press and hold the RECOVERY FORCE button.
While depressing the RECOVERY FORCE button, press and release the RESET button.
Wait 2 seconds and release the RECOVERY FORCE button