Real Time Automation, Inc.
Optimized Trigger Guide
The Optimized Trigger forces the 460ETC gateway to read ONLY the Optimized Trigger Tag until the
trigger value has a change of state. Once there is a change of state then it will mark
ETC Read Scan
Lines “Invalid”, then will execute a read for all ETC Read Scan Lines until
read data is valid. Once all
Read Scan Lines have been read and marked valid, it will set the ETC Handshake
to the value of ETC
Optimized Trigger. You will be able to utilize the ETC Handshake
to map over to any of the Technology
Triggers and/or as a Handshake Reference.
represents the Allen-Bradley PLC
on the Allen-Bradley configuration page of the gateway, if
you only have 1 PLC configured your
is 1
If you have a timeout and we are not able to read a particular Read Scan Line, then you will stay in a
loop of trying to make sure all data is valid before setting the Handshake value equal to Trigger value.
How does this work?
Read ETC Optimized Trigger tag until Change of State.
Value 0 = Enabled but Not valid value
Value 65535 = Disabled
Map the ETC Optimized Trigger (Source) over to ETC Trigger # (Dest).
If ETC Trigger # value changes states, mark all ETC Read Scan Lines “Invalid”.
Read all ETC Read Scan Lines until ALL source read data is valid.
ETC Handshake # value is set equal to ETC Trigger 0 value.
Map ETC Handshake # to protocol 2 Technology Trigger (A/USB/TCP/WI) and/or reference data
How do you set this up?
There are 2 options below to synchronize all data when sending data over to protocol 2.
Option 1:
Sends data every trigger no matter if it’s new or not
We’ll be using an 460ETCA for this example, this will
utilize the ETC Optimization Trigger and the
Technology Trigger (A/USB/TCP/WI) for ASCII (A).
Configure all your Read Scan Lines your looking to send over to your ASCII device.
Within the ETC configuration, setup a PLC tag that you can identify as your Optimization Trigger.
*Optimized Trigger tag can be unique to your PLC program*