Royalbeach 10289 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 20


Clean only with water or soapy water, never with aggressive cleaning agents. The most important factor in increasing the 
life and the appearance of the foil material is the observation of the correct water composition. 
The filtration pump included in the supply of your pool is intended to remove dirt and other small particles from your pool 
TREATMENT to ensure that the pool water is clear, free from algae, and free from harmful bacteria. Please contact your 
local dealer for pool accessories to receive information concerning the secure and effective use of chlorine, Aquashock, 
algaecides, or other such chemicals.
The appropriate technology for the water test is important. Please read and comply with the written instructions of the 
chemicals producer (available from specialist retailers). Make sure that the foil material never gets in contact with 
chlorine before it is completely dissolved. This means that chlorine in granular form or in tablet form must be dissolved in 
a bucket of water first. Liquid chlorine should be poured into the pool at different points and then must be immediately and 
thoroughly mixed with the pool water.


Your pool will be delivered with a small repair kit to patch small holes. Use might lead to holes in your pool from time to 
time. Most of the leaks can be repaired in only a few minutes and, over night, the pool will be ready for use again.

NOTE: Repairs should always be carried out with the pool in an empty (air and water) condition.

Air leaks:

In the case that your pool seems to be a bit “soft”, this is not always caused by a leak because every variation in 
temperature can result in a change of pressure of 0.003 bar per degree Celsius. In the case that the pool has been 
initially inflated late in the day, this air eventually cools down during the night.
The cooler air exerts less pressure on the skin of the pool so that it seems to be "soft" the next morning.
However, if there were no variations in temperature you first have to determine where exactly the air is escaping. Please 
follow these instructions:

Small repairs:

Deflate the air from your pool. Thoroughly clean the area to be repaired (for this purpose you can use a vinyl cleaner) and 
dry it. In the case of a small hole / tear (less than 1-2 mm) apply a small drop of adhesive. Let it dry for 12 hours.


Leaks which are bigger than 2 mm can be repaired with patches.

1.  Thoroughly clean the area around the leak to remove all dirt or grease.

2.  Cut out a piece of the repair material, big enough so that its edges go approximately 1.5 cm beyond the damaged 

area. Use a pen to apply the outline of the patch.

3. Apply the adhesive at the bottom of the area to be repaired and around this area. thinly but completely, spread the 

adhesive on the affected area. Let the adhesive dry for 2-4 minutes until it seems to be sticky.


Содержание 10289

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Страница 8: ... autour de la piscine doivent avoir un approvisionnement en réseau basse tension de 12 V Tous les appareils électriques devant être alimentés en 230 V doivent être éloignés d au moins 3 50 m du bord de la piscine Adressez vous au fabricant en cas de changementsd unouplusieursélémentsdusystèmedefiltre Lacouverturebâchenefournitpasdeprotectionsuffisantecontrelanoyadedesenfantssanssurveillance Lors d...

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Страница 14: ...lta che la piscina è completamente piena d acqua Se la piscina è stata acquistata senza pompa di filtraggio chiudere gli attacchi per la pompa di filtraggio in modo che l acqua non possa fuoriuscire durante il riempimento Riempire quindi d acqua la piscina Le pareti laterali comprese tra i due anelli della piscina prendono forma durante il riempimento con acqua Sulla piscina è presente una tacca c...

Страница 15: ...scina si possono talvolta verificare delle forature La riparazione della maggior parte delle perdite richiede solo alcuni minutielapiscinaritorneràfruibilenelgirodiunasolanotte NOTA Eseguireleriparazionisolodopoaversvuotatolapiscina diariaeacqua Perdited aria Se la piscina appare un po sgonfia non è detto che la causa sia necessariamente una perdita d aria poiché anche le escursioni termiche posso...

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Страница 17: ... using this product In order to reduce the risk of injuries please make surethatthefollowingsafetyinstructionsareobserved Theassemblyanddisassemblyshallbedonebyanadultorinthepresenceofanadult The inflatable interior pool is sensitive to cold therefore it should never be unfolded and inflated at a temperature below15 C The same shall apply for folding up In the inflated state there is no risk even ...

Страница 18: ...ooneormoreelementsofthefiltrationsystem pleasecontactthemanufacturer Thetarpaulindoesnotprovidesufficientprotectionagainstdrowningofunsupervisedchildren It is absolutely necessary that the filling and draining of the water is carried out at a sufficient distance from any electricaldevices KeepthePVCfoilawayfromfire It is absolutely necessary to respect the separate operating instructions for the f...

Страница 19: ...nthecasethatthepoolhasbeenbought without a filtration pump close the outlets for the filtration pump so that the water cannot run out when the pool is filled Now fill the pool with water The side walls between the two bulges of the pool will be set up automatically when it is filled withwater Thecorrectfillinglevelismarkedonthepool lowerthirdoftheupperbulge Disassembly of the poolatthe end of the ...

Страница 20: ...les Use might lead to holes in your pool from time to time Mostoftheleakscanberepairedinonlyafewminutesand overnight thepoolwillbereadyforuseagain NOTE Repairsshouldalwaysbecarriedoutwiththepoolinanempty airandwater condition Airleaks In the case that your pool seems to be a bit soft this is not always caused by a leak because every variation in temperature can result in a change of pressure of 0 ...

Страница 21: ...roundtheedgesinordertoachieveacompleteseal letitdryfor4hours 5 Beforeyouusethepoolthenexttime checkifthedefectiveareaisreallyair tight 6 Checkthepoolinallofitspartsfortearandwearoragingdamagesafteralongerperiodofstorage Please keep the packaging or the instructions because of the company address for any possible queries 21 21 ...

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