1. Place and use a laminator on a sturdy, flat work surface.
2. Plug the laminator into a power source that matches the laminator's
rate of voltage.
3. Turn the temperature control switch to 'COLD' position.
4. Press the power switch to 'RUN' position. (Please refer to Figure 'Power
Switch.) (Red 'POWER' light will illuminate and a motor starts to operate.)
5. Set the temperature control switch to a right position that matches the
thickness of your film.
6. Wait for a 'READY' light on.
7. After 'READY' light is on, put a material into a front opeening.
(Before laminating, do not let the material stay over 3 seconds at the front
opening. It could causes a anti-jam system's wrong operation.)
8. After a finished laminated item is completely fed out through the rear of the
laminator, insert another pouch into the front opening.
9. When cold laminating, turn the temperature control switch to 'COLD'
position. Be sure to confirm if the 'READY' light is completely lighted.
10. When a material is jammed at a roller, it will be automatically reversed.
And the jammed material will be automatically discharged. However, if you
want to reverse at any occasion, you can press the switch to REV.
mode and then remove the material by manual.
Temperature control switch
Power switch
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - Telefon 9633 3500