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6 | Slow Cooker Base

Following are general cooking time guidelines:
Meat and vegetable combinations typically need:
  •  6-10 hours of cooking time at setting #2 (low)
  •  4-6 hours of cooking time at setting #3 (medium)
  •  2-3 hours of cooking time at setting #4 (high). 
Meats will become the most tender when cooked for longer periods of time 
at  lower  heat  settings.  Avoid  removing  slow  cooker  cover  except  to  stir 
or add ingredients. Frequent removal of the cover will result in increased 
cooking times.
  •  After food is cooked, reduce heat to setting #1 for serving or, unplug 

cord from outlet to turn Slow Cooker Base off.

slOW COOker Base MUsT Be UnPlUGGed TO TUrn OFF.

HeaT seTTInG CHarT:



setting #1

Warm and serve: Doughnuts, sweet rolls, muffins, dinner rolls.

slow simmer: Dried fruits.

Keep Warm to serve: Stews, soups, sauces, roasts, ribs, chicken or 

hot beverages.

setting #2

simmer (6-10 hours): Stews, soups, sauces, roasts, ribs, chicken, 

baked beans.

setting #3

simmer (4 to 6 hours): Stews, soups, chicken, pork, roasts.

setting #4

Quick simmer ( 2 to 3 hours): Stews, soups, chicken,  

pork, roasts.

cook: Vegetables.

Thicken: Sauces and gravies.

CleanInG InsTruCTIons afTer use:

CaUTIOn: To prevent personal injury or property damage, allow Slow 
Cooker Base to cool completely before cleaning. Always unplug cord from 
electric outlet.
1. Wipe base with a damp cloth to remove drips or cooking residues.
2. Dry with a soft cloth before storing.

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