WiFlyGSX-um.pdf 11/11/2009
Phone 408-395-6539
14 -
set wlan channel <value>
sets the wlan channel, 1-13 is the valid range for a fixed channel.
If 0 is set, then scan is performed, using the ssid, for all the channels
set in the channel mask.
set wlan ext_antenna <0, 1>
determines which antenna is active, use 0 for chip antenna, 1 for
UF.L connector. Default = 0. Only one antenna is active at a time
and the module must be power cycled after switching the antenna.
set wlan join <value>
sets the policy for automatically joining/associating with network
access points. This policy is used when the module powers up,
including wake up from the sleep timer.
Manual, do not try to join automatically
Try to join the access point that matches the
stored SSID, passkey and channel. Channel can
be set to 0 for scanning. (Default)
Join ANY access point with security matching the
stored authentication mode. This ignores the
stored SSID and searches for the access point
with the strongest signal. The channels searched
can be limited by setting the channel mask.
Reserved – Not used
Create an Adhoc network, using stored SSID, IP
address and netmask. Channel MUST be set.
DHCP should be 0 (static IP) or set to Auto-IP
with this policy. (unless another Adhoc device
can act as DHCP server)
This policy is often used instead of the hardware
jumper to creat a custom Adhoc network
set wlan hide <0, 1>
Hides the WEP key and WPA passphrase. When set, displaying the
wlan settings shows ****** for these fields. To unhide the
passphrase or passkey, re-enter the key or passphrase using the set
wlan key or set wlan passphrase command. Default = 0, don’t hide.
wlan key <value>
sets the 128 bit WEP key. If you are using WPA or WPA2 you should
enter a pass phrase with the set wlan passphase command. Key
must be EXACTLY 13 bytes (26 ASCII chars). Data is expected in
HEX format, “0x” should NOT be used here.
Example : “set w k 112233445566778899AABBCCDD”
Hex digits > 9 can be either upper or lower case.
The Wifly GSX only supports “open” key mode, 128 bit keys for WEP.
WEP-128, shared mode is not supported as it is known to be easily
compromised and has been deprecated from the WiFi standards.