Roundshot 65 EL Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12

Содержание 65 EL

Страница 1: ...O P l not il i T A D r f i sized PA lll 0I T I I N G 0 ffi0il MA Camerafor 70 mm and rollfilnr 65 EL Ponoromo bySEITZ I N S T R U C T I O N ...

Страница 2: ...sure time therebyimmediatelyan continuouslyrecordingthe alter nationin time thisis anuniqu advantage of thiscamQra The shift adjustment of the lfns altersthehorizontallevel of the image theshift maybeadjustldbothelectronically andmanually Focusingis accomplished by changing the_separation usingthe built in lens thefocuscanbetaried betwen3 mtr andinf You now own an elite produ t of photographic tec...

Страница 3: ......

Страница 4: ...era casing to release tunl to theleft B Bubbleof spirit vel C Apertureadiustnentknob D Distance adiustm ntknob E Knob for manual shift adiustment F Switchfor electrcaladiustment of shift G T h r e a d 3 l S ieht H Thread to attach ptical finder ...

Страница 5: ...mid4lqrgqqg 3 6 0 o 4 1 2 x 5 4 m m 7 6 l Film 220 Pi ical lensin middle position Shootine angle 44o S Ltlzs rt60 rt3o rtrs 1 8 rt4 U 2 I s 2 S 4 S 8 S 1 6 S 3 2 S 6 4 S 1 2 8 S Rotationstime 360 from ca 1 sec to 18 hour ne with 70 mm 3 with 220fl m Pictures 360o 10 cm D 16cm H 26cm with caseca 12k counter rotations angleselection Controlunit Fra nob starttrigger cablery PE ...

Страница 6: ...vethe slot an lifrthe casingoff ChangetfreO Ringfrom the pressureplate 7O 229 andfixed the filmholder up or down Oncethecasingis removed it is important thattheblind on thefront rtinsinto its slot A futly loadedbatteryallpws up to 200 shotsof 360 degreeat a shorttime setting of 1 250or 15 shotsusinfga slow time setting 4 sec Which eqirals15 minutes rolations time by 2Oocelsirhs F H o ti o N N E N ...

Страница 7: ...erage liehting DISTANCE issetbytumi e theleverto themark CABLES from thecont cl unitandbatteryis plugged VIEWFINDER is screwed on sothatis canbe rotated SHIFT setting isadjutedto thedesiredhorizontal levcl SHUTIER speed issetac ordingto lieht conditionsandmovemenl PRESETTING of theangle ol resolution PROGRAM 1 9O COUNTER mustbereset voushingtheresetknob ...

Страница 8: ... 4mptycartridge andsecure thebeginningollthefilm to the spool Replace thecover Pushthe top holder up ith the empty cartridgeand insert the fatter into the transport clamp Tightens the film snugly o4rtothe filmrest with the knob Swivel the pressurroller L l i r i i with the knob Swivel the pressurroller backinto position 6 NOTE THE FILI 1i iUST NOT B E HIND T HEDIS T A NCE BC LT ...

Страница 9: ...n I 7 I 2 1800 206x 60mm 206x54mm 3 4 I 3 2 70 309 x 6 0 m m 3 0 9 x 5 4 m m 5 1 l 4 3600 472 x 6Omm 412x 54 mm 6 8 1 5 4fr 515x 6Omm 515x 54 mm 8 6 I 6 5400 618x 6 O m m 6 1 8 x 5 4 m m 1 0 3 1 7 6300 72r x 6 0mm 721x 54 mm l2 O I 8 720 824x 6Omm 824x 54mm 13 7 I 9 810 921x 60mm V27x 54mm 15 4 I ...

Страница 10: ... notblurred thecamera movesslower at w ceaboutca 8 seconds depen cvingobjects will appear lengthr ha shutter speed of 1 30 a full rotationrvi ing on whichsidethecamera is rotatinl red or shorened to revolution time for 360 Jnutter speeo ln colilpitllsu I l25O 0 9 sec 1 s 3 m i n 4 5 s I I I25 1 8 sec 2 s 7 m i n 3 0 s LI 60 3 75 sec 4 Sec 15 min l l 30 7 5 sec 8 Sec 30 min LlL5 15 sec 1 6Sec thour...

Страница 11: ...f you are shootingpict re of more than360 degree measurethe light conditionsin thecrucial sector F O C U S I N G Focusthepicturewith thefo4urlever D on top of thecamera the following settings can be chfsen 3 m I 5 m l0 m Infinty Hereagainchoosä asetting thatwill focusin thecrucialpartof thepicture NOTE Thefocusing leveris simultaneously thecamera covcrssccurit latch before removing thecovef alignt...

Страница 12: ... 3 Meters 5 Meters l0 Meters I lY 4 5 2 5 4 O 3 3 7 5 8 0 10 14 Inf 5 6 2 3 4 4 3 5 9 0 7 O 21 11 Inf 8 2 1 5 0 3 1 2 5 0 3 6 7 5 l n f 11 2 0 6 5 2 5 2 2 3 6 6 0 6 0 l 1 6 1 7 2 0 2 Z 35 3 0 Inf 4 5 lnf 22 r 6 1 5 I 50 2 8 Inf 3 6 J f 32 1 5 3 0 1 7 70 2 6 Inf z J f ...

Страница 13: ...CTION LENS IN TOP POStTTON L E N S I N MI DDLE PO SITION R O L L F I L M L l N E The frame shows both the upper borders of the pictu the viewfinder to see the shot Shifting the lens horizontal frame in viervfinder can be turning the camera andlou estpoint of swivell without and the Now rotate tent of the he desired finder The the highest show the vie To chec the ob iec ...

Страница 14: is theshoot 44 degree 24 up 38 up 2o down in top The settingcan be achiev and electronically by the direction of the shift S T M E N T 1 2 rds to correctconvergingvertical ical anglethepicture films in middlepositionfrom up 24 down oup 3 down nganglein middlelenspositiön o down position both manuallyby the button el F The arrow shows E the ...

Страница 15: ...gree rotation segments o be usedin the next picture taken RESET Switch Retournthe numberof picturesegments taken memory counter t zero after camerahasbeenloadet and is ieady to us Also permitcontinuerot ation without stopping l lO degreesegments STOP Switch For stoppingthecamerabeforefinish the prograrn START Switch Startsrotatibnan takingof picturesimultaneously ...

Страница 16: ...flectings tripod Movements can be doc a strobelight NOTE The power line camera Lay the cablea L L I G H T on theobject a model lamp to the3 8 thread acesby rotating the head of the nteda rhytmical intervals using of the light heads turn with the the tripodbeforeshooting 1 4 ...

Страница 17: ...zontal linesshould linesrunningawayfrom After insertinga new fil presslhe START button R E S H O O T I N G 1 5 properly pluggedin go throughthe is properlysecuredon a stationary in a horizontal vertical obliqueor objectsin a way that the important ran8e unwantedmovementsthat could in thebackground or on thehorizon cameraare preferable set the PROGRAM on 2 artd depress the RESET button ...

Страница 18: ...nscrew A andali removing the cameracasl top holder Slip the lo removethefull spool 1 6 pressthe START button StaYout of when using a short revolution time long revolutiontime you can easily f the PROGRAM is set at B a 720 steringchangesin the field of vision 5 when you are shooting 360 u to choosethe bestframe T H E F I L M n thefocusleverwith theslotbefore Pushthe spoolupwardagainstthe end out of...

Страница 19: ...m misting over Chargethe battery 24 Yolt mainscablein to Electronic The unit shoult be fully protectivecircuit preventso O U R C A M E R A 1 7 nd transported in its caseand thus ither slot nor spool should hamper the camera with ble to circulate in the a plastic bag bag to prevent 2 x 1 2 Vl 2 ox AC from harged after rloading Ah by 100Volt approx pluggingthe b 24AVolt 12 hours a ...

Страница 20: ...e computer for electronicregul The power unlt takesfrom 100 2 The automatic charger which has Located 1 8 n the front cover for the camera the extensionsocket for an tlon socket for the control unit el during the rotationof the camera one of the indicate the charge level from 25 Voto IOOVo thebattery Accu hasto becharged asthe camera is rotating Very importantfor seethecamerarotating knob rmerawil...

Страница 21: ...gree an Eventsand documentatio professionals only show part whenreproduced f relativity can be demonst I C A T I O N S T 9 techniqueonly shows a section of continuity body which turns when our angle of vity All we can look at can be the way we seeit It just depends ition to detail shots to show the tsandpeople and the time that elapses during is guaranteed 100 Eoacc tate takencompletelybY amateurs...

Страница 22: ...recthandling of the The guaranteeonly incl delivery spareparts heavierc SEITZ PhototechnikAG 85 G U A R A N T E E includes damage to your camera 220 Due to faulty material or poor monthsfrom the dato of purchase ill be repairedfree of chargeor new 2 0 when the damage is not ra or externalforce free repair of the camera due to or free ims will not be met 3 LUSTDORF SWITZERLAND ...
