Brake adjustments
Failure to inspect and properly adjust brakes increases the risk of having an accident.
Riding with worn brake pads can reduce braking performance and cause an accident.
Check and adjust brakes if needed before each ride.
To adjust cable play on the left(rear) or right(front) brake levers – tighten/loosen adjuster
To adjust the calipers, loosen (do not remove completely) anchor nut(a) and pull brake
cable(c) until the brake pads are almost touching the rotor(b) (brake disc). Tighten the
anchor nut(a).
Wheel Alignment
In the event that your wheels aren’t straight the wheel alignment will need to be adjusted.
Start with your handlebars on the ATV pointed straight forward. Locate the tie rod on the
wheel to be straightened, the tie rod consists of a center rod and 2 ends. Each end is held to
the center rod with a securing nut(a). Loosen the securing nuts(a) on both the tie rod ends,
once both are loosened turn the center rod(b), this will turn your wheel in or out depending
on the direction it's turned. Once the wheel is straight and in the correct position re-tighten
the 2 securing nuts(a). This procedure is the same for both sides of the ATV.