T e c h n o l o g y f o r c l e a n p o n d s
Operation in combination with a pre-separator
This section is only relevant if you want to use the FANGO 2000 pond suction cleaner in combination with a pre-separator .
These instructions refer to the use of the manufacturer‘s own pre-separator or pre-separator ULTRA and are no instructions
for the use of the FANGO 2000 pond suction cleaner in combination with pre-separators from other manufacturers .
5.2.1 Connecting the pre-separator to the pond suction cleaner FANGO 2000
Make sure that the device and the pre-separator are set up in stable positions . Both must be placed in such a way that
they cannot fall into the water and cannot tip over . If possible, place the device and the pre-separator at the height of the
water level on a flat surface . The ideal position for operation is a maximum of 100 cm above the water level .
Only when using the FANGO 2000 in combination with the pre-separator ULTRA:
Connect the C-coupling of the connection socket (part of the separately available connection set for FANGO 2000) to
the C-coupling on the pre-separator (suction side) . Place the lugs of the half-coupling on the connection socket in the
corresponding recesses of the mating coupling on the pre-separator . By twisting the half-coupling on the connection
socket, the two half-couplings engage .
Connect the black end of the suction hose (3) to the connection socket on the pre-separator (suction side) . To do this,
guide the end of the hose into the connection socket (3 .1) and press until it engages .
Connect the C-coupling of the connection hose supplied with the pre-separator to the C-coupling on the pre-separator
(drain side) . Insert the lugs of the half-coupling on the connecting hose into the corresponding corresponding recesses
of the mating coupling on the pre-separator . Turning the half-coupling on the connecting hose The two half-couplings
lock into place by twisting the half-coupling on the connecting hose . Also connect the other end of the connection hose
to the connection socket (3 .1) on the tank (2) (suction side) of the device . To do this, guide the end of the hose into the
connection socket (3 .1) and press until it engages .
Connect the C-coupling of the drain hose (4) with the C-coupling (4 .1) on the tank (2) (drain side) of the device . Place the
lugs of the half-coupling on the drain hose (4) into the corresponding recesses of the mating coupling (4 .1) on the tank
(2) . By turning the half-coupling on the drain hose (4), the two half-couplings engage .
5.2.2 Start / stop and operation in combination with a pre-separator
As the pond suction cleaner FANGO 2000 is designed as a vacuum cleaner, the operation of the device in combination with
a pre-separator does not differ from the normal operation of the device . For operation of the unit in combination with the
pre-separator, please refer to section 5 .1 .2 from point 4 .
Problems that may occur during use of the product
Caution - Danger to life!
The solution to all problems is preceded by switching off the device and disconnecting the power
supply . Failure to do so may result in accidents causing severe injury or death to the user and/or
persons in the vicinity of the site of operation .
To protect the device, a mechanical float switch is installed which is triggered when the liquid level in the tank (2)
rises too high . This stops the suction power even though the turbine is running .
If the mechanical float switch is triggered, proceed as follows:
Switch off the device at the on/off switch (1 .1) and disconnect the power connection by unplugging the mains plug (1 .3)
from the socket .
Pull the pump plug (2 .3) out of the socket (1 .2) on the suction head (1) .
Open the closure clips (2 .6) and remove the suction head (1) from the tank (2) .
Remove the dirt or foreign bodies in front of the suction opening of the sewage pump (2 .4) (see also section 6 .2 .2) .
Then reassemble the device, close the closure clips (2 .6) to fix the suction head (1) on the tank (2), insert the pump plug
(2 .3) into the socket (1 .2) on the suction head (1), reconnect the power connection by inserting the mains plug (1 .3) and
continue the operation after switching on the device by using the on/off switch (1 .1) .
To protect the suction turbine, a temperature limiting controller is built in, which is triggered if there is a risk of
overheating of the device . The device will be switched off .
If the temperature limit controller has been triggered:
Press the on/off switch (1 .1) and disconnect the power connection by unplugging the mains plug (1 .3)and let the device
cool down .
After the cooling period, reconnect the power connection by plugging in the mains plug (1 .3) and you can use the device
as usual after switching it on by using the on/off switch (1 .1) .