Up to 4 independent channels of still/animations are
available switcher-wide, allowing for thousands of full
screen stills and logos that can be cached and used on
the switcher.
Media-Store provides 8 GB of cache. The number of
images cached increases considerably when smaller,
non-full screen images like logos are loaded from USB.
The MediaManager allows you to easily manage stills
and animations on the switcher in a graphics interface.
A MediaWipe allows you to use an animation from the
Media-Store to play over a background or key transition.
When the transition starts, the switcher plays the selected
animation over top of the background and keys that are
being transitioned. A cut, dissolve, wipe, or DVE wipe
is then performed layered under the animation to bring
up the next shot when the animation ends.
MemoryAI Recall Mode
We take the guessing out of memory recalls by ensuring
that a memory recall will not affect what is currently
on-air. MemoryAI uses the content of the memory to
configure the Next Transition area and Preview bus for
the background and keyers so that the next transition
takes the same sources on-air that were on-air in the
For example, store a memory that has a key on-air with
CAM1 and CAM2 selected on the background. When
this memory is recalled normally, it pops the same key
on-air with CAM1 and CAM2 on the background. When
the memory is recalled with MemoryAI turned on, CAM1
is selected on the preset bus, and CAM2 is selected on a
key that is not on-air. The transition area is then set up
for a background transition to bring CAM2 onto the
background, take any on-air keys off, and take a key
on-air with CAM1.
Memory System
Storage for 100 complete switcher snapshots per ME,
, and MultiScreen comes standard with all
switchers. All of these memories can be stored to a USB
media drive, providing custom tailored memories for
every operator and every show.
The MiniME
is an additional ME that is provided with
the switcher to perform basic dissolves and cuts. Each
has 2 keyers, background, and preset buses.
Unlike a full ME, the MiniME
only supports dissolves
and cuts, restricts key 1 to DVE keys only, and has no
preview output. Key 2 on a MiniME
is the same as an
ME keyer. The MiniME
shares all the same sources as
the ME.
The switcher comes standard with 1 integrated
MultiScreen generator. The MultiScreen can break a
scene into up to 2 outputs that can be sent to independent
projectors or displays to make a unified picture.
Each screen in the MultiScreen output uses a MiniME
to create the background and key of the output.
MiniME 1
MiniME 2
No edge blending is available.
The MultiViewer allows you to view up to 10 video
sources, in 23 layouts, from a single output BNC. Any
video source on the switcher, including ME Program,
Preview, and Media-Store channels, can be routed to any
box on the MultiViewer. All boxes on the MultiViewer
output include mnemonic source names and red and green
The Carbonite Black Solo comes standard with 1
broadcast-quality integrated MultiViewer generator. Only
one MultiViewer output is supported at a time from the
switcher on output BNC 5, or HDMI OUT1.
Figure 1: HD Layouts
Carbonite Black Solo Configuration Guide (v1.2) — Features •