Instructions for Hanging
Instruction Sheet
Step 1
Insert hangers into upper portion
of slatwall.
Fig. 1
To ensure that the frame hangs level use
two hangers placed an equal distance in from
each side of the frame.
Step 2
Hangers will rest on lower portion
of slatwall.
Fig. 2
Step 3
Place UltraFrame on the hangers using the
bottom channel of the top rail.
Fig. 3
Step 4
Place UltraFrame in position on slatwall.
Fig. 4
Step 5
Open rails, put in poster and
close rails.
Fig 5
Note: Be sure to open all four side rails
gently. Excessive force may cause inside clips
to unhinge.
UltraFrame™ Slatwall Hanger
Instructions for Hanging
The UltraFrame™ is a trademark of Rose Displays, Ltd. Neither the
manufacturer nor any sales agent may be held liable for injury, loss
or damage resulting from the use of these products.
Part #02INSUltraFrameSlatwall
Slatwall Hanger
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5