AnoGotcha Plus
Instructions to hang graphic
AnoGotcha is a traemark and Gotcha is a registered trademark of Rose
Displays, Ltd. Neither the manufacturer nor any sales agent may be held
liable for injury, loss or damage resulting from the use of these products.
Part #04INSAnoGotchaPlus
Note: Follow steps 1 through 4 for both
the top and bottom holder.
Step 1
Rotate one end cap on each AnoGotcha Plusn180˚.
The Gotcha will be easily accessible. Fig. 1
Step 2
Slide the Gotcha out of the aluminum shell. Fig. 2
Step 3
Place poster on a flat surface. Snap the Gotcha
holder open so hinge is turned up as far as possible.
Insert graphic completely into holder until edge of
graphic meets top of holder. Fig. 3 To close, snap
the Gotcha holder shut. Fig. 4
Note: It is easier to open and close the Gotcha
holder by starting at one end and working your way
down the holder. With large or curling graphics, it
may be easier to insert graphic at one end and slide
into holder from one end to another.
Step 4
Slide Gotcha into the AnoGotcha Plus and rotate
the end cap 180˚ back to its original position. Fig. 5
Step 5
Suspend graphic with regular hooks. Fig. 6
Note: To change graphic, unhook the holder from
the regular hooks and repeat steps 1 through 5.
Instruction Sheet
(already inserted into
aluminum shell)
Plus Shells
Regular Hooks
Gotcha holder
(already inserted into
aluminum shells)
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 5
Figure 6