RF 802.15.4 PANID
The PANID identifies the 802.15.4 network. It is 2-byte length and must be unique. All the devices
in the same network should have the same PANID.
3.1.4. IPv6 Header Compression Shared Context
R-Idge can be configured to use the LOWPAN_IPHC encoding format (as specified in RFC 6282).
The LOWPAN_IPHC encoding format relies on shared context to allow compression of arbitrary
Up to five (5) shared contexts can be configured on the router. By default, there is no shared
context defined.
3.2. Configuring R-Idge
If necessary, these factory default parameters can be changed. The configuration program
” is provided for this purpose.
Set up the Configuration program
The Configuration program is available in deb package, rpm package and source code.
It can be downloaded at the following url
See the instructions detailed in the document “Firmware Configuration Manual” if you need to
compile the source code.
Prepare your user account
In order to be able to change the R-Idge configurable parameters, your account must belong to
the group “dialout”.
Run the command:
grep dialout /etc/group
If your account is not listed, add it to the “dialout” group
sudo useradd -G dialout <account>
Log out and login again to activate the account.
Change the configurable parameters
Let's assume that your network uses channel 21 and PANID 1001.
Run the command:
Configuring R-idge on Linux
Technical guide (revision 1.1)