14410 Saratoga Pass
San Antonio, TX 78254 USA
888.826.2703 Fax 210.858.9608
[email protected] www.romet.us
he oral adapter and tubes provided with your Romet® Elec-
tronic Larynx will enable you to begin speaking while your neck is
healing post surgery.
Firmly place the rubber cap adapter on the top of your Electronic
Larynx (as shown above). Insert a tube into the small hole on the
top of the adapter. Push the tube firmly into the hole. The tube
must be secure in the adapter hole while you are speaking. Place
the end of the tube into the corner of your mouth, pointing the tip
toward the top of your mouth.
Activate the on/off button on your Electronic Larynx. Practice
your speech with simple vowels or short sounds. Try a few
simple sentences.
If possible, speak slowly into a tape recorder and replay
your speech.
The clear tubes provided are fitted with tips to prevvent any
food particles from lodging in the tube while being used.
You can easily remove this tip or shorten the tube with scissors.
After you have finished speaking, rinse the tubes with cool, clear
water. Be sure to clean the top of your Electronic Larynx to remove
any saliva residue or food particles.