1. Slowly thread the Brake Tube forward on the
Thrust Tube by rotating the Brake Tube Han‑
dles in a clock‑wise direction. This slides the
Shaft, Shaft Nose (or PVC Pilot) and Cutter,
through the Valve and Neck of the Tapping
2. Continue until you feel resistance, or run out
of travel on the Thrust Tube (which may occur
with some 20 and 24” taps). Stop rotating the
Brake Tube Handles. Notice that the Holes in
the Brake Tube Collar may not be aligned over
the Scale on the Thrust Tube
(see fig. 37)
Rotate the Brake Tube back (counter‑clockwise)
until the next Hole in the Front Collar of the
Brake Tube lines up with the Scale in the Thrust
Thread the Brake Tube Locking Bolt into the
collar of the Brake Tube, and securely tighten.
It needs to bear down directly onto the Scale
and NOT the threads of the Thrust Tube
fig. 38)
NOTE: The Locking Bolt can ratchet if
necessary to avoid the Lead Nut Han-
dles and / or their rotational path.
3. If you have run out of travel on the Brake
Tube / Thrust Tube assembly:
Rotate the Lead Nut Handles (clock‑wise) to
feed the Cutter. Stop when resistance is felt.
NOTE: Holes and
Scale misaligned.
NOTE: Alignment of
hole over Scale.
Brake Tube
Locking Bolt
fig. 37
fig. 38