Operating Manual
ESM-2 Electro-stress measuring device
Many thanks for deciding on the purchase of this device. You will be
enabled to measure the body voltage of a person located in an e-
lectrical alternating field simply and meaningfully, in order to introdu-
ce corresponding measures for its reduction according to the measu-
red value obtained.
With this operating manual, we would like to put you in a position
• to be able to operate the device without problems
• to assess the measured values for their biological effectiveness
• to carry out suitable remedial actions
Persons who are in electrical fields are under voltage. The level of
this voltage is a measure of the stress acting on the body.
The ESM-2 electro-stress measuring device measures this a.c. vol-
tage against ground, using a hand-held sensor and displays its value
in a digital form which is easy to read off.
If the measured voltage exceeds certain values defined in the "e-
lectro-biological standard", then it can be reduced to uncritical values
through targeted measures, which are simple to carry out.
The ESM-2 always indicates the success of the respective measure
unambiguously in this case and helps you to undertake the correct
The objective should be to reduce the body voltage to almost zero,
especially in sleep and rest areas, so that persons located there are
not tense and stressed, rather are relaxed and recovered and capab-
le of dealing with everyday tasks.
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