I was setting the door up
and it was all ok but it just
stopped and will not move up
or down electrically but I can
still wind the door by hand.
I have pressed the button
on my handset and the
door is not moving.
The motor for the door is a friction drive and as such will generate heat. If
the door is sent up and down a lot in succession (like when first installing
the door) the thermal cut out can kick in, if this happens turn the power
off and wind the door down by hand so as to allow air to pass over the
barrel and cool down, this can take in excess of 45 minutes.
Does the red light come on when you press the button on the handset?
If not then change the battery on the handset.
Is the light on the receiver box on? If not then check the power supply
to the control panel.
Is a noise coming from the motor when you activate it? If so then check
the security straps, if these are disconnected or broken you will need
to contact the office to purchase some more.
Can you open the door by using the manual winding handle? If so
then try the buttons on the box inside the garage after winding, if the
door is still not working then you will need to contact the office, as the
safety brake on your door has engaged and has damaged the switch.
This will need to be re-engaged or, if broken, replaced.
Your new roller garage door is designed to be as low maintenance as is possible, but there are some measures
that you should take to keep the door working and prolong the life of your roller garage door.
Always check to make sure there are no obstructions when operating your roller garage door and
watch the door close and open fully.
Regularly clean the curtain of the roller garage door with warm soapy water and a soft cloth.
Check the guide runners are kept clear of debris and obstructions.
Check the batteries are working correctly in all your electrical components and replace as needed.
If you would like to have your door serviced by one of our professional engineers, or are interested
in one of our service plans, please contact the office on 01603 743215.