You can make the following changes:
To ensure that the changes are transferred the next time you start your
Sunglasses Cam, please change this value to “Y” (Yes). Y = changes are applied,
N = changes are not applied.
• EV (Exposure Value):
Enter a value between 1-21. The default is 6. To make the images brighter, enter
a value between 11 and 21; to make the images darker, choose a value of 1 to 9.
• AWB (Auto White Balance):
Adjust your Sunglasses Cam to the current light situation in order to avoid
incorrect colours when recording.
0 = automatic white balance (default), 1 = sunlight, 2 = cloudy, 3 = fluorescent
light, 4 = light bulb
• CTST (Contrast):
Can be set to values from 1 to 200. Default = 100. Increase this value for a
stronger contrast; choose a lower value for less contrast.
• SAT (Saturation):
Can be set to values from 1 to 200. Default = 100. Increase this value for
stronger colour saturation; choose a lower value for less colour saturation.
Can be set to values from 1 to 200. Default = 100. Increase this value for a
sharper picture; choose a lower value for less sharpness.
• QUALITY (Video quality):
Adjust the video quality of the Sunglasses Cam. 0 = high quality (default),
1 = medium quality, 2 = low quality