GUI Reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 38
Resolution Enh.
Broadens the frequency range that the analyzer considers for the time domain trans-
form by a linear factor. A factor of 1 means that the original sweep range and the mea-
sured sweep points are used; no additional assumptions are made. With higher resolu-
tion enhancement factors, the measurement data is extrapolated using a linear predic-
tion method. As a result, the resolution in time domain can be improved.
The ideal resolution enhancement factor depends on the properties of the DUT. In dis-
tance to fault measurements on cables, factors between 3 and 5 turned out to be a
good choice.
Remote command:
Low Pass Settings Dialog
The "Low Pass Settings" dialog defines the harmonic grid for low pass time domain
TRACE – TRACE CONFIG > "Time Domain" > "Low Pass Settings..."
Background information
Refer to
Chapter, "Harmonic Grid"
Is the Current Grid Harmonic?
The area at the top of the "Low Pass Settings" dialog indicates whether or not the cur-
rent frequency grid is harmonic.
Remote command:
Trace Config Softtool