Command Reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 38
FRTRans | FTRans | RTRans | TOM | TSM | TRM | TRL | TNA |
TOSM | ETOM | ETSM | FOPort1 | FOPort2 | FOPort12 |
FOPTport | ROPTport | REFL1 | REFL2 | REFL12 | TPORt |
Calibration types, TOM, TRM, TRL, TNA, TOSM, Full One Port,
One Path Two Port, Normalization (REFL1, REFL2 and REFL12
for one-port, FRTRans, FTRans, RTRans, and TPORT for two-
port), TOSM with unknown through.
The numbers in the parameters denote the analyzer ports.
Parameters for two-port calibration types contain no numbers
because the command is only valid for ports 1 and 2.
Generates a set of default system error correction data for the selected ports and cali-
bration type. The default data set corresponds to a test setup which does not introduce
any systematic errors; none of the measurement results acquired previously
) is taken into account.
The main purpose of the default correction data set is to provide a dummy system
error correction which you can replace with your own, external correction data. You
may have acquired the external data in a previous session or even on an other instru-
ment. If you want to use the external correction data on the analyzer, simply generate
the default data set corresponding to your port configuration and calibration type and
overwrite the default data. For details refer to the program example below.
This command must be used in combination with the R&S ZVR-compatible com-
if you want to use R&S
ZNB/ZNBT-specific calibration com-
mands or if you want to calibrate more than 2 ports.
Channel number of the calibrated channel
R&S ZVR/ZVAB Compatible Commands