General Overview of Manuals
General Overview of Manuals
Operating Manual for Microwave Signal Generator SMR
This operating manual provides you with all the information necessary for putting into operation, manual
and remote control as well as repair of Microwave Signal Generator SMR and also contains
specifications of the instrument and available options.
The following models are described in this manual:
1 GHz to 20 GHz (10 MHz to 20 GHz with Option SMR-B11)
1 GHz to 27 GHz (10 MHz to 27 GHz with Option SMR-B11)
1 GHz to 30 GHz (10 MHz to 30 GHz with Option SMR-B11)
1 GHz to 40 GHz (10 MHz to 40 GHz with Option SMR-B11)
The contents of the chapters are as follows:
Data sheet
informs you about guaranteed specifications relating to functions and
characteristics of the instrument and its options.
Chapter 1
contains all information about putting into operation (unpacking, connection to
AC supply, switching on and off), functional testing and installation of the
instrument, preset settings and views of the front and rear panel showing the
controls and connectors needed for operation.
Chapter 2
presents a brief introduction and typical settings to users working with the
SMR for the first time.
Chapter 3
describes manual control of the microwave signal generator, for example
calling up of menus, selection and editing of parameters, use of the list editor
and the SAVE/RECALL function. This chapter also contains an overview of
menus showing the functions available for the instruments and its options.
Chapter 4
describes the functions of the instrument and its options which can be
activated manually via menus or by remote control (frequency and level
setting, analog and digital modulation, sweep, list mode, memory sequence
and general functions not directly related to signal generation).
Chapter 5
provides basic information on remote control, for example on the IEC/IEEE
bus, RS232C interface, interface and device messages, command
processing, status reporting system, etc.
Chapter 6
contains for each command system an overview and description of all
commands available for the instrument and its options as well as an
alphabetical list of all commands.
Chapter 7
includes programming examples for remote control.
Chapter 8
gives information on preventive maintenance, for example for keeping the
exterior clean, storage, etc.
Chapter 9
contains the SCPI-specific and device-specific error messages displayed on
the instrument.
Chapter 10
includes the index.
Service Manual Instrument for Microwave Signal Generator SMR
The service manual instrument for Microwave Signal Generator SMR provides information on the
checking of rated characteristics, manual and electronic adjustment, repair (fault diagnosis, module
replacement), and the fitting of options. Moreover, it includes documentation such as spare parts list,
basic circuit diagram, block diagram, etc.