Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
Power versus frequency
In a linear sweep, the frequency is swept in equidistant steps over
the continuous frequency range. The x-axis is a linear frequency
Power versus power
The sweeps are performed at constant frequency but with vari-
able generator power that is swept in linear, equidistant steps
over a continuous range. The x-axis is a dB-linear power axis.
Power versus time
The sweeps are performed at constant frequency and stimulus
power. The measurement is repeated over a specified period of
time at constant time intervals.
Power versus frequency
In a logarithmic sweep, the frequency is swept in equidistant steps on
a logarithmic scale. The x-axis is a logarithmic frequency axis.
Remote command:
Execution - Power Analysis
Selects single or continuous mode in power analysis.
The measurement is started in the diagram using the "Start" button. During measure-
ment, the "Start" button is replaced by a "Stop" button which can be used to abort the
measurement. The progress bar indicates the status of the measurement.
For time mode, an additional trigger is required (see
Selects single measurement.
Selects continuous measurements.
Remote command:
All Trigger Events - Power Analysis
Ddetermines, whether the measurement data processing starts with a trigger event in
one of the sensors (Logical OR), or whether all channels have to be triggered (logical
AND). Each sensor evaluates a trigger event according to its setting independently.
This function supports the internal or external trigger modes with multi-channel time
"Wired AND"
When all channels are triggered, the measurement starts.
"Wired OR"
The measurement starts when a trigger event occurs.
Remote command:
RF Level