Instrument Function
Operating Manual 1167.2319.02 ─ 12
Amplitude Marker - RF Frequency Marker
Activates or deactivates the selected amplitude marker. If activated, the level is
reduced by the amplitude entered under
Amplitude - RF Frequency Marker
on reach-
ing the mark.
Remote command:
Amplitude - RF Frequency Marker
Sets the amplitude marker attenuation. This value is valid for all markers.
Remote command:
Marker Polarity
Selects the polarity of the
output signal.
The user-programmable marker signal can be used for brightness control of an oscillo-
scope. The output becomes active when the sweep run has reached the marker. Up to
10 markers can be set to mark positions in the sweep run. The duration of the active
signal is equal to the dwell time (DWELL) of a step.
Remote command:
Active Marker - RF Frequency Marker
Selects the active marker. The active marker is output with a higher voltage than all
other markers.
Remote command:
5.3.6 List Mode
Similar to a sweep, a series of previously defined frequency and level points is pro-
cessed in List mode. In contrast to a sweep, however, a list with freely selectable value
pairs (frequency and level) can be created. The value range for frequency and level
covers the entire configurable value range of the instrument.
Interactions between List mode and other operating modes or settings
List mode and sweeps can not be activated simultaneously, they deactivate each
Activating the list mode instantly disables
A running list mode blocks "NRP-Z Level Control". It can not be activated
The lists can be created in the "List Editor". Each list is stored in its own file with the
predefined file extension
. The name of the list file can be freely selected. The
files are loaded from the "Lists..." file manager. Externally created tables with pairs of
frequency and level values can be converted into List files using the import function.
The external files must have the file extension
. These file formats are
RF Frequency Block