Remote Commands
Spectrum Rider FPH
User Manual 1321.1011.02 ─ 06.00
Command Sequence and Command Synchronization
What has been said above makes clear that all commands can potentially be carried
out overlapping. In order to prevent an overlapping execution of commands, one of the
*OPC, *OPC? or *WAI
must be used. All three commands cause a cer-
tain action only to be carried out after the hardware has been set. By suitable program-
ming, the controller can be forced to wait for the respective action to occur.
For more information, see
Table 13-2: Synchronization using *OPC, *OPC? and *WAI
Programming the controller
Sets the Operation Complete bit
in the ESR after all previous com-
mands have been executed.
Setting bit 0 in the ESE
Setting bit 5 in the SRE
Waiting for service request
Stops command processing until
1 is returned. This is only the
case after the Operation Com-
plete bit has been set in the ESR.
This bit indicates that the previous
setting has been completed.
directly after the
command whose processing
should be terminated before other
commands can be executed.
Stops further command process-
ing until all commands sent
have been executed.
Sending *
directly after the
command whose processing
should be terminated before other
commands are executed.
For a couple of commands, the synchronization to the end of command execution is
mandatory in order to obtain the desired result. The affected commands require either
more than one measurement in order to accomplish the desired instrument setting
(e.g. auto range functions), or they require a longer period of time for execution. If a
new command is received during execution of the corresponding function, this may
either lead to either to an aborted measurement or to incorrect measurement data.
The following list includes the commands, for which a synchronization via
*OPC, *OPC? or *WAI
is mandatory:
Table 13-3: Commands with mandatory synchronization (overlapping commands)
start measurement (sweep)
Set to single sweep
All Marker function queries
Remote Control - Commands
The following chapters provide a detailed description of all the remote control com-
mands currently available for the R&S Spectrum Rider and its firmware options.
Remote Control - Commands