User Manual 1178.7100.02 ─ 05
"Path C" in
is labeled as
"Not Switchable!"
, which indicates a difference
between the target states specified in a path definition and the available hardware for
realizing these states. This difference can have the following typical causes:
If your module configuration has changed between defining a path and viewing the
list of paths, the discrepancy can be in the
hardware setup
itself. For example,
consider that you have replaced the module R&S
OSP-B101 (six SPDT relays) by
the module
(two SP6T relays, "K1" and "K2"). If your path defini-
tion addresses a third relay "K3", this relay is not available and cannot be switched.
However, note that even if there are exchanged modules, a path definition that was
not intended for the new module still
can be switchable
. If the path definition
specifies, for example, setting the first relay to state "01" and the second relay to
state "00", this definition fits for six SPDT relays (R&S
OSP-B101) the same as for
two SP6T relays (R&S
OSP-B102). Hence, if you have replaced module
OSP-B101 by R&S
OSP-B102 at the same module bus connector of a switch
unit, the path intended for two SPDT relays can now switch two SP6T relays. This
mistake can go
, if you fail to coordinate your path definitions with your
hardware configuration carefully.
Path definitions
can easily include a frame, module, relay, channel or state that
does not exist
in your physical setup, if any of the following applies to your path
You have enabled the
You have used the RC command
For example, if the parameters of your RC command specify switching a relay to
the state "02", where only states "00" and "01" are available in SPDT relays, this
switching action is not possible.
Note that
can occur, if you allow any of the following "risks":
Importing paths with a configuration that you do not know
Defining your paths with the virtual mode enabled
Defining your paths outside of the graphical user interface (GUI), for example on
paper, because additional typos can occur
Modifying your hardware configuration after defining paths
Note also that the order of activation of different paths, which use the same relays, can
influence the subsequent switching states. For example, consider a "PathA" that acti-
vates relay 1 and 2, "PathB" deactivates relay 2 and 3 and "PathC" activates relay 3. If
you switch these paths in the order A-B-C, the result is activated relays 1 and 3. How-
ever, if you switch these paths in the order A-C-B, the result is an activated relay 1,
For efficient path definition processes, it can be reasonable to accept specific "risks".
But consider that without theses risks, the GUI supports you by only allowing path defi-
nitions that are switchable in a way you can verify easily. Since the GUI cannot prevent
path definitions that do not match your application tasks, reasonable path definitions
remain in your responsibility.
Path Switching