Remote Control
User Manual 1175.7445.02 ─ 08
Selects the marker.
Switches on the measurement of the standard deviation.
Manual operation:
Measuring the Pulse Power
The commands of this subsystem are used to determine the mean burst power or peak
burst power for a given number of signal bursts, and for outputting the results in a list.
Since all the settings required for a measurement are combined in a single command,
the measurement speed is considerably higher than when using individual commands.
For measuring the signal bursts, the gated sweep function is used in zero span. The
gate is controlled either by an external trigger signal or by the video signal. An individ-
ual trigger event is required for each burst to be measured. If an external trigger signal
is used, the threshold is fixed to TTL level, while with a video signal the threshold can
be set as desired.
The following graphics shows the relation between trigger time, trigger offset (for
delayed gate opening) and measurement time.
Depending on the settings made, the measurements are performed with the RMS
detector for RMS power or the PEAK detector for peak power. For all these measure-
ments, trace 1 of the selected system is used.
The commands of this subsystem can be used in two different ways:
Setting up the instrument and at the same time querying the result list: This method
ensures the smallest delay between measurement and the output of the measured
values, but requires the control computer to wait actively for the response of the
Remote Commands in Spectrum Analyzer Mode