Remote Control
User Manual 1175.7445.02 ─ 08
'32 MHz sampling rate, external
'trigger, pos. trigger edge and
'0 s trigger delay.
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "TRAC:IQ:SET NORM,10 MHz,32 MHz,EXT,POS,0,524288")
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "TRAC:IQ:AVER ON") 'Switch on I/Q averaging
CALL InstrWrite (analyzer, "TRAC:IQ:AVER:COUN 10") 'Set 10 test runs
'--------- Read data in binary format --------------------------------------
REM ************************************************************************
Using IQ Gating
IQ gating refers to recording IQ samples in certain time intervals – the gate areas.
There are different modes to define the gate areas:
Edge triggered recording
Level triggered recording
For more information, see "IQ Gating" in the "Remote Commands" chapter under
"Trace:IQ" subsystem.
Measurement example: Level mode
With IQ gating in level mode, the area in which the gate signal is active is recorded. In
this example, the gate signal is generated by the IFP trigger. The
the signal (triggered externally) in IQ mode. The following sample program records the
signal in level mode with an external trigger.
Figure 11-8: Signal to be recorded in IQ mode
Used values
sample rate: 32 MHz
number of IQ samples: 128000
trigger mode: IFP
Remote Control – Programming Examples