Interfaces and Connectors
Getting Started 2112.4122.62 ─ 13
5 Interfaces and Connectors
This chapter describes the front panel and the rear panel of the R&S
SFE100, includ-
ing all status displays and connectors. See the data sheet for information about per-
missible levels on the inputs and output levels on the outputs.
If you use the interfaces and connectors, take care to avoid electromagnetic interfer-
ence. For details see
Chapter 6.1, "Preventing Electromagnetic Interference"
5.1 Front Panel
This chapter provides an overview of the controls and connectors on the front panel.
Each control or connector is briefly described along with a reference to the chapter(s)
containing detailed information about its usage.
Figure 5-1: Model 02, 03
1 = Hardkeys
2 = Status display LEDs
3 = Cursor keys
4 = Display
5 = USB interfaces
6 = RF output
Figure 5-2: Model 12, 13
1 = Status display LEDs
2 = USB interfaces
3 = RF output
5.1.1 Hardkeys
Only provided by the models 02 and 03.
Front Panel