If we select the parameter to be modified, pushing the button S3 we can modified the parameter. If the control
unit is protected by password, the parameter could be only showed but not modified, we can modified the
parameter if we enter the password (P1,P2,P3,P4).
The parameter is showed on the first two numbers on the left of the display by fixed light, while the parameter
value that we can modify is showed on two numbers on the right of the display by flashing light.
We can modify the value of the parameter by the buttons S1 and S2, we can choice one of the value indicated
(look the parameter table indicated).
If we push the button S3 we confirm the selection and we come back on the parameter showing mode.
If we are on parameter modifing mode and we do not push any button, after 30 sec. the control unit
automatically comes back on parameter showing mode.
When we change the parameter value, these changements are automatically done if the gate uses the closing
limit switch (totaly close), otherwise You have to power off and after You have to power on.
You have to make the electric connections of the accessories, of the
comands and of the safety elements (pic. 4).
Make attention when You connect the flashing light and the courtesy
because they are on tension free contact (pic. 3).
Make the power connection.
It is not necessary to make short circuit to any safety inputs that we do
not use, like LIMIT SWITCH (parameter 72), PHOTOCELLS (parameters
50, 51, 53 and 54) and SAFETY EDGE (parameters 73 and 74), because
it can get off by software(the corrisponding segment will flash on input
showing). You have to short circuit only to the STOP parameter, if You do not use it.
Use the parameter number 71 to choice the side of the motor: right or left (look it on the internal). The
standard option is on right side (71 = 1), if the motor is installed on left side 71 = 0. When You make this
changement You have to power off and after You have to power on.
It is necessary to make the learning of the travel lenght: You have to manually fit the gate on intermediate
position, after You have to select the parameter number 10, set the value to 1 and You have to confirm it
by S3, after we see flashing all numbers and push the PP. The motor will make a complete opening and
closing in slow-down, if the process is made in right mode, the parameter comes back to 0. If the display
show You. If the display shows You _E, it means that the process is failed, and You have to repeat it; If the
process failed again, You have to increase the torque (parameter 32), or decrease the sensibility
(parameter 43) and repeat the learning.
The control unit is on references control status in 3 cases:
mechanical release opening and manual movement;
after black-out
when the limit switch is not installed and the gate finds an obstacle for three continuation times in the same
place. In this case the control unit waits for a comand of the installer, when the control unit receives it opens
in slow-down until to mechanical stop or limit switch, when the control unit receives another comand it
closes in slow-down until to mechanical stop or limit switch. If the process is made in the right way the
control unit comes back to normal functionning, otherwise it continues to slow-down movements until one of
the references has been verified.
There is the possibility to select a password, composed by 4 parameters P1, P2, P3 e P4. If in the 4
parameters we do not select the numbers corrisponding to the password, it is not possible to modified all the
other parameters, we can only view them.
The password settled by us is 00 00 00 00, so the control unit is deblocked.
To change the password it is necessary deblock the control unit pushing in the 4 parameters P1, P2, P3 e P4
the old password, after we have to insert the numbers of the new one, we select the paramenter CP, we push
the button S3 (00 flashing) e finally we have to push together the buttons S1 and S2.
When the control unit is deblocked, to block it again You have to power off or waiting the stand-by of the
display (it showes only the POWER led flashing).
Picture 3