RAID 0 (Striping)
RAID 0 (Striping) is a performance-oriented, non-redundant data mapping technique. It
combines multiple hard drives into a single logical unit. Instead of seeing several different hard
drives, the operating system sees only one large drive. Striping splits data evenly across two or
more disks simultaneously, dramatically increasing performance.
Striping can be implemented in disks of differing sizes, but the storage space added to the array
by each disk is limited to the size of the smallest disk. Although Striping is an easily
implemented simple configuration, Striping should never be used for mission critical
applications. The speed of operation is excellent in comparison to other RAID modes.
In Striping mode, it is not possible to see the HDDs as more than one unit. If you
choose to insert all 4 HDDs, it will still be viewed as one single storage unit. When you
choose to insert only two HDDs, there is not limitation on the order of drive insertion or
the slot number.
In Striping mode, if one disk in the RAID System fails, all data in installed disks will be
When operating under Striping mode, it is not recommended to do HDD
Hot Swap
. Any
attempt to do so may result in complete loss of all data.
Always maintain a Backup of your files/data
BIGROC 1S – 4Bay RAID - 1U Rack Mount System - User Manual
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