The quill can be locked at any desired point it its
travel, by tightening the quill locking handle (B) Fig.
7. This is an especially desirable feature for set-up of
tooling for production type operations.
After considerable use, play may develop between the
quill and the head casting due to wear. To compensate
for wear between the quill and head, proceed as fol-
l o w s :
1. Make sure the quill locking handle (B) Fig. 7 is
2. Remove two screws and washers (E) Fig. 7. Only
one of the screws and washers (E) can be seen in Fig.
7. The other screw and washer is located on the left
front side of the head casting.
3. Tighten the two quill adjusting screws which are
located directly underneath the two screws and wash-
ers (E) Fig. 7. It is not necessary to tighten these
screws too much.
4. Rotate pilot wheel to test movement of quill and
play. If there is a slight “drag”, quill adjusting screws
have been adjusted too tight. Back off quill adjusting
s c r e w s s l i g h t l y . I f t h e q u i l l s t i l l h a s p l a y , s l i g h t l y
tighten quill adjusting screws.
5. After proper adjustment has been made, replace
screws and washers (E) Fig. 7.
F o r t h e p u r p o s e o f a u t o m a t i c a l l y r e t u r n i n g s p i n d l e
upward after a hole has been drilled, a spring is pro-
vided enclosed in a case and is located on the left side
of the drill press head. This spring has been adjusted
at the factory and should not be disturbed unless abso-
lutely necessary. If it should become necessary to ad-
just it, proceed as follows:
1 . R e m o v e t h e M i c r o - n u t
( G ) a n d l o c k i n g
sleeve (A) Fig. 7. and make sure the quill locking
handle (B) is loose.
2 . R o t a t e t h e p i l o t w h e e l a n d l o w e r t h e q u i l l ( C )
Fig. 7, until the rack on the back of the quill disen-
gages with the pinion shaft (D). A special design is
incorporated into the quill to prevent it from dropping
out of the head casting.
3. When the quill (C) Fig. 7. is lowered as far as pos-
s i b l e , t u r n t h e p i l o t w h e e l c o u n t e r c l o c k w i s e t o i n -
crease or clockwise to decrease the return spring
4. When the desired tension is obtained push up the
quill (C) until it engages with the pinion shaft (D) Fig.
7. The spring tension will then return the quill to the
up position.
5. Replace the
Micro-nut (G) and locking sleeve
A L o c k i n g S l e e v e
B Q u i l l L o c k i n g H a n d l e
C Q u i l l
D P i n i o n S h a f t
E Screws & Washers
F S t o p R o d
G M i c r o - N u t
Содержание 70-602
Страница 2: ...WARNING For your own safety DON T wear gloves when operating a drill press...
Страница 19: ...Fig 11 13...
Страница 24: ...18 Fig 19 24 Volt Three Phase Magnetic Starter Motor control System...
Страница 25: ...Fig 20 24 Volt Three Phase Magnetic Starter Motor Control System 19...
Страница 26: ...2 0 Fig 21 24 Volt Three Phase Magnetic Starter Motor Control System...
Страница 27: ...Fig 22 24 21 Fig 22 24...
Страница 28: ...Fig 23 24 Volt Three Phase Integral Magnetic Motor Control System Motor Overload Protection 2 2...
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Страница 30: ...2 4 Fig 24 Series 2000 Drilling Machines Direct Drive...
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