Publication 284A-QS001C-EN-P - July 2006
Figure 18 Communication Card Configuration
Note: To easily edit an ASCII string, click on the string value field and a
small icon with three dots appears.
Figure 19 String Browser Box
Click on the three dots icon and a String Browser box appears. Modify the
text to what is desired and click on Apply, then click on OK. This works for
ALL strings throughout the entire data array.
Figure 20 String Browser Box
Modifying Parameter Data for an ArmorStart
The last configuration that will need to be done eventually, is the writing of
a parameter configuration change for an ArmorStart. This is done by first
equating a particular ArmorStart to a device number in the data array.
Again, this device number is determined by the Logix slot of the
communication card, ETherNetIP or CNet address of the communication
adapter and subnet slot of ArmorStart. The optional, Armor_Descriptor
field is extremely handy for doing a functional lookup of the device number.
Once the device number is determined, the parameter number to be
modified, must be obtained. The best way to do this, is to go to the
ArmorStart user manual and get the parameter number of the value to be