Cold Weather Usage
Cold temperatures (below freezing) can affect the unit’s ba<ery capacity due to chemical
charcs of the ba<ery. If you’ll be living off-grid in sub-zero condi+ons, we recommend
you keep your unit in an insulated cooler, and connected to a power source (solar panels). The
natural heat generated by the unit contained in an insulated cooler will keep ba<ery capacity at
its highest.
Always return your used electronic products, ba<eries, and packaging materials to dedicated e-
waste on points. This will help prevent uncontrolled waste disposal and promote the
recycling of materials.
Ba^ery Informa6on
Your device has an internal non-removable, rechargeable ba<ery. Do not a<empt to remove the
ba<ery, as you may damage the device. The ba<ery can be charged and discharged over 500
+mes, but it will eventually wear out.
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