The drain of the system while operating depends on volume
level. 4 Amps average has been measured with a typical music
signal. It’s safe to run several hours without engine running. If
you should forget to turn the unit off, the idling current is only
3 Amp and will not normally run the battery down overnight.
Now that your Punch has been installed and adjusted, get set
to enjoy sound quality that rivals the best home system. Be
assured that what you are hearing is limited only by the quality
of your source material and speaker system, not by your
1. The Punch power lead must run directly to positive battery
terminal. (Heavy white wire.)
2. The Punch ground lead must run to frame, dash, or other
solid ground, not to battery. (Heavy black wire.)
3. All speaker wires must be 18 gauge or larger.
4. Speaker wires must not be grounded to each other or to car
5. Each speaker system must have an impedance of at least
3 ohms.
6. There must be adequate ventilation for the heatsink on The
7. The gray interconnect cord should not be run directly
alongside power wires of The Punch or car. At least 6”
should be left between these wires if unavoidable.
8. Make sure gain control adjustments are set according to
the gain adjustment section.
9. Make sure the power line fuse is a
12 amp, medium blow
type 3 AG.
10. Do not ground red auto power wire at any time as this will
result in component failure.