the entire length of the liner in an unlined, partially lined, or cracked clay tile liner application.
Alternative EverGuard
Insulation Mix Method
The Rock-Flex
lining system can be insulated using EverGuard
Insulation Mix. A 1 inch (25mm) layer of EverGuard
Insulation Mix
between the liner and 4 inch (10cm) nominal masonry provides a zero clearance listing from the chimney masonry exterior to
combustibles. If the clay tile liners are in good condition and the chimney meets existing codes, no insulation is necessary.
For Oil or Gas Applications
is listed to be installed without insulation for oil and gas appliances in an unlined, damaged clay tile lined, or good condition
clay tile lined chimney. Oil and gas appliances do not require a minimum clearance between the outside of the liner and the inside of the
masonry chimney. Rockford Chimney Supply has listed Rock-Flex
in this manner recognizing that insulation can cause clearance
issues in certain masonry chimneys. However, it is good practice to insulate even with gas or oil appliances to stabilize draft and
minimize condensation. One layer of 1/2” (6.5mm) insulation is an excellent way to meet this need. See insulation installation instructions
for further information.
System Materials
Use of any parts or materials not specified in this installation manual may not provide a listed system.
Approved Connections
Approved connections of a Rock-Flex
system are, (1) a tee section, (2) a UL listed direct connect system, (3) a connector directly
attached to the heating appliance, (4) a masonry fireplace flue.
Approved Components
Rockford Chimney Supply products have been UL and ULC tested with the Rock-Flex
system. These approved components include, (1)
liner, (2) top plates, (3) support top clamp, (4) storm collars, (5) chimney caps, (6) screw supports, (7) tee connections, (8) universal
connectors, (9) insulating wrap, (10) retractable wire mesh, (11) clamps to secure insulation, (12) aluminum foil tape, (13) EverGuard
insulation mix, (14) stainless steel self-tapping screws.
Installation Instructions
Note: when installing a Smooth Wall liner, install with the RED ARROWS pointing UP.
(CAUTION: Ends of liner and edges of cap, top plate, tee and connectors can be very sharp! Rockford Chimney Supply recommends the use
of gloves during installation.)
(WARNING: Watch out for overhead power lines during installation.)
1. Preparing the Liner for Installation
a) Remove the liner and components from the packaging. On a flat level surface, roll out and straighten the lining material.
b) Attach the necessary bottom termination connector, which may be a tee or a universal connector, to the liner by inserting the liner into the
connector as far as possible. If using the tee connector, secure the tee cap to prevent it from falling off during installation. Then, using a
5/16” (8mm) nut driver, tighten the hose clamp band firmly around the liner. CAUTION: do not over tighten the clamp!
c) To find the length of the liner needed, measure from the point at which the bottom connector will stop in the chimney to the top of the
chimney crown and add 12” (30cm). This will be the total length of liner needed. Cut the liner to size as needed. When cutting Rock-Flex
the use of a grinder, circular saw, or reciprocating saw with a metal cutting blade is recommended. File or grind any rough or sharp edges
for your safety.
2. Insulating the Liner (if required)
Method #1: Using Insulating Blanket Wrap
(CAUTION: Foil edges of insulation are very sharp!)
a) Always ensure that the bottom connector has been installed (tee or universal connector).
b) The liner must be insulated from the bottom of the connector (in the case of a tee from where the tee cap is installed up and in the case of
a universal connector from where the connector would stop on insertion into the heating appliance) to the crown. After determining this
length, roll out the insulating wrap and cut to this length.
c) The insulating wrap must overlap along its length by a minimum of 1” (2.5cm). To ensure you have the proper width of insulating wrap
multiply the liner diameter by 3.14 plus 1” (2.5cm) for overlap. You may trim the width of the insulation to this amount but is not necessary.
A wider overlap is allowed but may cause installation difficulties in tight clearance situations.
d) With the insulating wrap rolled out (foil face on the ground) on a level surface, lay the liner and its bottom termination connector (which
was previously attached) in the center of the insulation. At the bottom end of the insulation, line up the bottom connector as outlined in
step b) above. Remember that at the top the insulation will be even with the chimney crown.
e) Begin wrapping the insulation around the liner. After overlapping the wrap by at least 1” (2.5cm) hold the wrap in place at approximately 1
foot (30cm) intervals with foil tape. You may also use spray adhesive to assist you in holding the insulation against the liner.
f) Once insulation is in place apply a continuous vertical length of foil tape from the top to the bottom of the overlapped insulation seam.
g) Now encapsulate the insulated liner using retractable wire mesh. Unroll the correct size mesh and pull it over the entire length of insulated
liner. At the bottom of the insulation secure the mesh and insulation in place with a stainless steel hose clamp. Now at the top of the liner,
stretch the wire mesh tight and while holding mesh tight, clamp the insulation and wire mesh in place using a stainless steel hose clamp.
Trim away excess mesh. With long liner lengths or tight clearances you may also wrap the entire length of insulated liner with stainless
steel wire, spirally wrapped and then twisted on itself at each end to hold it in place. You are now ready to install the liner.
Method #2: Using EverGuard
Insulation Mix
Insulation Mix is poured into the chimney after the liner is installed. EverGuard
Insulation Mix is a pre-mixed insulation material
that only requires the addition of water at the installation site.
a) To prepare EverGuard
Insulation Mix, empty bag(s) into a mortar mixing box or wheelbarrow. Add 4 to 7 gallons (15 to 26.5 liters) of
water per bag of EverGuard
Insulation Mix and mix with a hoe or other mixing tool. You have achieved the proper consistency and water
content when the material is damp, but still granular. Squeeze a handful of your mixed material - little or no water should appear. Properly
prepared EverGuard
Insulation Mix is able to be poured into the void between the liner and the chimney like “loose fill”.