: In multi-turn mode, Present position depends on resolution divider and multi-turn offset For
more information turn to the section on Multi Turn offset and Resolution Divider.
Is the current moving speed.
0 ~ 2,047 (0x000 ~ 0x7FF) can be used.
If a value is in the rage of 0 ~ 1,023 then the motor rotates to the CCW direction.
If a value is in the rage of 1,024 ~ 2,047 then the motor rotates to the CW direction.
The 10th bit becomes the direction bit to control the direction; 0 and 1,024 are equal.
The value unit is about 0.11rpm.
For example, if it is set to 300 then the motor is moving to the CCW direction at a rate of about
It means currently applied load. The range of the value is 0~2047, and the unit is about 0.1%. If
the value is 0~1,023, it means the load works to the CCW direction. If the value is 1,024~2,047,
it means the load works to the CW direction. That is, the 10th bit becomes the direction bit to
control the direction, and 1,024 is equal to 0. For example, the value is 512, it means the load
is detected in the direction of CCW about 50% of the maximum torque.
15 ~ 11
9 ~ 0
Load Direction Data (Load Ratio)
: CCW Load : Load Direction = 0, CW Load : Load Direction = 1
: Present load is an inferred value based on the internal output value; not a measured value
using torque sensor, etc. Therefore, it may be inaccurate for measuring weight or torque. It is
recommended to use it for predicting the direction and size of the force being applied to the joint.
2. 4. 23. Present Voltage (42)
It is the size of the present voltage supplied. This value is 10 times larger than the actual
voltage. For example, when 10V is supplied, the data value is 100 (0x64) If
value is out of range, Voltage Range Error Bit (Bit0) of Status Packet is returned as ‘1’ and
Alarm is triggered and set the address 17 and set 1 to the Bit 0 of the address 18.
2. 4. 24. Present Temperature (43)
It is the internal temperature of DYNAMIXEL in Celsius.
Data value is identical to the actual temperature in Celsius. For example, if the data value is 85
(0x55), the current internal temperature is 85°C.
2. 4. 25. Registered Instruction (44)
Value Description