Avatar®
User
Manual
Rev
12/2015
2)
Post
‐
Use
Maintenance
A)
Charging
the
Robot
Battery
After
removing
the
battery
from
the
Avatar®
align
the
charger
and
battery
connectors
and
plug
the
adapter
into
an
wall
outlet.
Battery
is
fully
charged
when
the
indicator
on
the
top
of
the
battery
shows
full
black
bars,
or
when
the
indicator
light
on
the
top
of
the
charger
turns
green
(if
you
choose
to,
it
is
alright
to
leave
the
battery
on
the
charger).
To
check
charge
levels,
you
can
refer
to
the
charge
indicator
on
the
battery
itself,
which
will
tell
you
how
much
charge
is
left.
You
can
also
look
at
the
on
‐
screen
controller
indicators
(see
page
12).
B)
Charging
the
Controller
Battery
Plug
the
adapter
into
an
wall
outlet.
Plug
the
round
adapter
plug
into
the
round
charging
port
on
the
bottom
of
the
controller.
The
controller
is
fully
charged
when
the
light
on
the
controller
turns
off
or
flashes
red.
If
the
light
is
solid
red,
the
controller
is
charging.
You
should
leave
the
controller
on
the
charger
when
not
in
use.
C)
Folding
the
Flippers
In
If
you
wish
to
put
the
robot
in
its
case,
you
will
have
to
fold
its
front
and
back
flippers
in.
To
do
so,
it
is
necessary
to
“smack”
the
flippers
against
the
ground
with
some
force
to
disengage
them
from
their
locked
position
(make
sure
the
High
Angle
Stabilizers
have
been
removed
before
disengaging
back
flippers).
The
recommended
method
is
to
grip
the
robot’s
front
with
one
hand
and
the
back
handle
with
the
other,
holding
the
robot
at
an
angle
to
hit
the
flippers
against
the
ground.
Be
sure
to
apply
equal
pressure
to
both
flippers.
Do
try
to
move
them
one
at
a
time.
These
are
the
indicator
bars.
The
dark
bars
reflect
the
amount
of
charge
in
the
battery.
Five
black
bars
mean
the
battery
is
fully
charged.
When
no
black
bars
are
present,
the
battery
is
empty.
The
battery
in
this
picture
shows
a
battery
with
just
under
a
full
charge.