R302V Operation Manual
R213 1/4" or 6.5mm French Fry Plate
This might as well be called the taco plate. Toma-
toes and onions can be quartered and allowed to
gravity feed through the lead and are chopped with-
out damage. Lettuce can be cut for a chopped taco
lettuce. Chopped onions through the R213 are great
for hot-dogs also. Every school system should have
this plate. Bell peppers can be chopped like the on-
ions for meatloaf or chili. As a sideline the French fry
plate makes great French fries and is the fifth most
popular plate.
R298 5/16" x 5/16" or 8mm x 8mm Julienne Plate
The 8 x 8mm julienne plate is great for zucchini, on-
ions, and eggplants.
While the standard Robot Coupe comes with two spe-
cific plates (R209 and R211 at time of printing), many
user applications may require some of the optional
plates available with the unit. As an example, a typi-
cal salad bar might use:
R210 2mm (3/32 in.) Slicing plate
R211 4mm (5/32 in.) Slicing plate
R209 Medium Grating plate
The R210 plate could be used to slice cucumbers,
carrots, celery, etc. Good yield with long shelf life.
The R211 plate could be used to provide half slices
of tomatoes, bell peppers, or onions.
The R209 Medium Grating plate would process car-
rots, cheese, etc.
Proper cleaning of the machine is
one of the most important preventive maintenance
measures the user can employ. The high acid con-
tent of food can cause harm to the electrical parts
contained within the housing. Although a seal iso-
lates these elements from the outside, food juices
will tend to seep. If food juices are allowed to collect
on the machine over periods of use , erosion of the
seal can occur. It is recommended that the machine
be cleaned after each operational use.
Correct cleaning procedures are required to assure
that damage is not inflicted in the cleaning process.
The motor base assembly contains the motor and
electrical components.
ATTACHMENTS: Remove and disassemble all at-
tachments before cleaning. The bowl and continu-
ous feed attachments should be cleaned per the fol-
lowing instructions or as required by local health de-
partment regulations.
The bowl, blade, lid, continuous feed attachment,
continuous feed lead, pushers and plates are dish-
washer safe. All of the attachments listed above can
be washed in a dish machine or three tank system
pot sink. Pre-rinse the attachments before washing
to remove any bulk food on the parts. A stiff bristle
brush or power sprayer faucet attachment is effec-
tive in knocking the food out of the crevices as a pre-
rinse procedure. The washer should have an indus-
try standard wash, rinse and sanitization cycle. Al-
low the parts to air dry after sanitizing and before re-
NOTE: The high temperatures of dish machines will
tend to shorten the life of the plastic and rubber parts.
Hand washing using a three pot sink will provide for
the longest life of these parts.