Robinson Willey Sahara LF Скачать руководство пользователя страница 16

Содержание Sahara LF


Страница 2: ...002 andthe result is7g 4yo The gross calorificvalueofthefuelhasbeen used forthisedciencycalculation Thetestdatafromwhichit hasbeen calculated hasbeencertifieduy Notin g n oy ir hi7 The efficiencyvaluemay be usedin the uK Government s StandardAssessmlnt procedure rsepl r gv ratingofdwellings Theabove exceeds theminimumrquirement of 63 ...

Страница 3: ...ations or in accordance withtherulesin force NOTE Purpose builtventilatron is notnormally necessary in G B lt is required in LE wherethe installation mustbe in accordance withlS813 Thrq nrnrlr retrrqeq frroloffss pieces containing Refractory Ceramic Fibre RCF whiCh areman made vitreous silicate fibres Excessive exposure tothesematerials maycause temporary irritation toeyes skinandrespiratory tract...

Страница 4: Pressure Fulon C o l d I 7 0m b a r t l 6 B i n w g 9 4 Supply Pressure 20 mbar Btnw g 1 3 BURNER Aerated DupexBurner Aeration Adjustment None Height Wrdth Depth l l o n h i t n t n n of fluespigot Inlector 2off lgntion ControTap 643 727 250 495 BRAY 77I2OO Battery Spark Generator RWSPB2224O 1 4 S E I I I N G 1 5 WEIGHT Packed 24kg 531b oFFPrlot 7 I z 3 AND 4 Fig 1A r 727mm T l l l 64 3mm Y Fi...

Страница 5: ...orlinn 13mm t ein thena flueSpigot extension notsupplied mustbe used Themaximum projection of the spigotextension measured fromthebackof thefireis 15Omm 6in Thefireis suitable forusewithlightweight surrounds whosecontinuous working temperature is notlessthan100 C A w o o d e n s h e l f m a y b e fl l e d a D o v e t h e f i r e T h e u n d e r s i d e o f a n y c o m b u s t i b l e s h e l f o f...

Страница 6: ...e t q n v p r i t e o m h r r s l i h l e c i a d d i n n m u S Lb e removed to a heghtof 600mm 23slain anda widthof 4O0mm l 5siqrn b WALLIVOUNTING Fig 38 Thefiremaybe fittedontoa surtable non combustible wallsothatthetopof thespigot opening intheclosure nlafeis at least595mmabovethefinished floorlevel Fig 38 600mm 610mm Fig 3A VerticalFlatArea 1 3 m m 300 457mm Fireplace Opening 165mm 670mm T I N...

Страница 7: It musthaveat leasta 3 metreeffective flueheiqht 2 2 1Freplace Dimensions Fig a Thedimensions of thecatchrnent spacebehind the closure platemustmeetthefollowing requirements a Thelluesp gol spigot extension nLrslDass through theclosure plate byat least 25mm 1in andhavea minimum clearance of 50mm 2in between itsopenendandthenearest obstruction b Thecatchment spacebelowthefluespigotmust be at lea...

Страница 8: ...htmustbe between a maximum of 65Ornm anda mrnimum of SO8rnnr anda depthof al least I00rrm Ensure thatanymortar fangsbetween theblocksdo not protrude intotheflueways and if rakrng ltlocks are used theyarefittedaccording to thenranufacturers instructions andmortaris notallowed to dropdownand accumulate intherakedposittons 2 4 TWIN WALLED FLUES FieJ 6 Thistiremaybe installed n a doublewalled or insul...

Страница 9: Thetopof theclosure platemaybe tlmmedto prevent sealing tapebeingseenabovethefire Ensure thatthereis at least10mmoverlap on the frreplace openingWhenwallmounting it maybe necessary to trm thebottomof theclosure plateto prevent itshowing belowthefire Aftertrimming a newairrelief opening 1O0mrr widex 37mrnhighmustbe cutinsucha position thatit is unobstructed by anybrickwork lf a holeis cut n thec...

Страница 10: attention DONOTFITTHEFIRE SEEK EXPERT ADVICE 3 4 PREPARATION OF FIRE 3 4 1Remove OuterCase StandthefireuprightPulloffthecontrol knob Tlre outercaseis heldto thebackplate by fourscrews two on eachside Undothefourscrews Lifttheoutercase to clearthehnobspindle easeit outandputina safe place 3 5 FITFLUESPIGOT Fig B andFlueSpigotBestrictor rtrequired I hc tlrrc snionl consists nI lurn inentir rlnier...

Страница 11: ...rance 3 7 2 Nall Mounting toa non combustible wall Undothelocknut on eachof thelevelling screws fitted t n t h o l e n q a n e l e d r q l t n f _y_ _ _ __ r scTews upwaros aslaras nossihlelt is essential thatthemtnimUm clearance from thefloorlevel as indicated in Fig 9 isobservedKeyhole q l n i s a n a l s o n r r r i n n h n l e c a r o n r n r r d o d i n l h o n r n l n l n l n J r v r J o r r...

Страница 12: ...o n f o d r n r l t o c f o r l f S O U n d n e S S a n d p U f g e d 4 3 IEST FORCORRECT SETTING PRESSURE Temporarily fitthecontrol knob Remove thepressure testpointsealng screwlocated in r L r r r f h 2 n r o a a t t r a n 2 t t n a l n l L r l l l l Y U U I l l l U l l d P d l l U d l l d u u l r r u r r u r u u u V U r u r l l U l U l point Lighttheflreandleave on at fullrate Refer to Users In...

Страница 13: ... on at fullrate C oseal doors andwindows rntheroomandafterthef rehasbeen alghtfor5 minutes insert a lighted smokematchheldrn a tubeundertheg ass Fig I 1 fromtherightor left s de Thetube s positioned aganstihe sidepaneland thesmokematchmustbe inthegapat thebottom of theglassand25mrrfromtheright or eft sideof the door Ifthesmokes drawnrntothefiretheinstallation s satisfactory note thesmokewil be dra...

Страница 14: ...tailed intheusersinstructions 4 Whenthefireisfirstlita smellmaybe noticed butthisshouldpassawayaftera fewhoursat thefullon setting 5 Thefireshouldbe serviced annually by a compelenl person ie GasSaferegistered Engineer forcontinuing efficient and safeoperation 6 Advise thecustomer thattheyshouldreadtheirUsersinslructions before operating thetireandalways follow the advicein the Sectionheaded Clean...

Страница 15: ...nuisance shutoff checktheoperation of thepilotas follows t A I n q n e c t l h p n i l o t f l a m e e b Checkthethermocouple lffaulty replace thepilotassembly c Checkthemagnetic unitinthegastap lffaulty replace thetap d Checktheventilation intheroorr Vitiation maybe dueto lackof sufficient airsupply e Checkforsalrsfactory clcarance ol combusl on produclsViliation nraybe dueto spillage of combLrsl...

Страница 16: ...Pilot Assembly Piot fiiter lgntionLead I o a a e r h a n 2 r l i n o n o r l n r t 2 n f f t DoorAssembly CoalBed GasTapAssembly c wswitch Control Knob GDCGROUPLTD Robinson WilleyDivision TrinityPark OrrellLane Bootle Liverpool L206PB Telephone 0151 530 1900 Fax 0151 530 5155 E mail info robinson willey com website www robinson willev com 987601 lssue2 ...
