Repeat the test at the appliance plug/inlet spur to check the wiring system up to the appliance and
rectify any fault. If necessary repeat the test at the supply system socket/ spur - if the fault also occurs
at this stage then there is a house system fault which requires attention by the Electrical Authority.
The customer should be warned not to use the appliance until this examination has been carried out.
Resistance to Earth Check
Appliance must be disconnected from mains supply and meter set on W (ohms) x 100 scale. All
switches, including stats, ON - Test leads from L to E - if meter reads other than infinity (
) there is a
fault which should be isolated. A detailed continuity check is required to trace the faulty component.
IMPORTANT This series of checks are the first electrical checks to be carried out during a fault
finding procedure. On completion of the service/fault finding task which has required
the breaking and remaking of electrical connections then the checks A. Earth
Continuity, C. Polarity and D. Resistance to earth - must be repeated.
Checking the Heater Operation
Switch on the gas and electricity supplies. Purge the gas supply pipe if necessary. If the heater is a
Warmplan XX Auto, make sure that the clock is in the ON position. Turn the control knob clockwise to
position 6. The amber lamp will come on indicating that the ignition cycle has started. After about 20
seconds the red lamp will come on. The heater is now operating. Check that the heater operates as
detailed in the section, NORMAL OPERATION, of part D of this booklet. If the supply pipe is not
completely purged, the heater may 'lock out' once or twice without ignition. If the heater locks out
after ignition, check the polarity of the electrical supply.
Check the gas pressure at the pressure test point. See technical specification for the correct
pressure. If the pressure is not correct, check the gas pressure at the meter and supply pipe for
blockage. Refit air guide and connectors after checking.
The flame can be seen in the window on the right hand side of the heat exchanger. It is normally blue,
but some yellowing is possible when operating on butane gas.
When the appliance is converted for use with Butane or Propane the burner injector is fitted with a
brass extension, to facilitate ignition on Propane gas. (See diagram below). When operating on
BUTANE GAS, if it is considered that the flame is excessively yellow, the brass extension should be
REMOVED. To obtain access to the injector, see Servicing Notes headed 'Injector'.
Fit the dressing strip and case, removing, first of all, the two screws at the sides of the case which
fasten the dressing strip. Tighten all four screws.
Содержание Bantam Ecotherm LPG