Internal Care
1. Hold the coarse filter and rotate it
anticlockwise to unlock the filter. Lift the
filter upwards and out of the dishwasher.
2. The fine filter can be pulled off the
bottom of the filter assembly. The coarse
filter can be detached from the main
filter by gently squeezing the tabs at the
top and pulling it away.
3. Larger food remnants can be cleaned by
rinsing the filter under running water.
For a more thorough clean, use a soft
cleaning brush.
4. Reassemble the filters in the reverse
order of the disassembly, replace the
filter insert, and rotate clockwise to the
close arrow.
Do not over tighten the filters. Put the filters back in sequence securely, otherwise coarse
debris could get into the system and cause a blockage.
Never use the dishwasher without filters in place. Improper replacement of the filter may
reduce the performance level of the appliance and damage dishes and utensils.