Order Numbers
F4090 - F4091 - F4092
F4095 - F4096 - F4097
Move to the Select menu "FL>E"
A short press on the 3-D hotkey takes you to the Setup menu,
and the "%" display flashes.
Rotating the 3-D hotkey changes the percentage value; we
recommend a starting point of -10%. Hold the 3-D hotkey
pressed in for 1 second to revert to the default value (+50%).
Press the "H" button, and "INH" (OFF) will flash. Turn the 3-D
hotkey to the left and switch the mixer on (ON).
The mixer function is now active; carry out a check on your
If you connect an external mix trimmer to Pin 7, the optimum value
can be adjusted in flight. The trimmer allows you to over-ride the
pre-set value by +/- 25%.
If you have activated the mixer FLTR in the WING menu (Section
8.4), any neutral point alterations (offset) and dead zone values
(LIMT) you set at that point are automatically adopted by this
If you carry out a neutral point offset in this menu (hold the "S"
button pressed in until "SET" flashes, then hold the 3-D hotkey
pressed in for 1 second), this in turn is also adopted in the menu
This feature saves you having to switch between the two menus.
Special case
If the FLTR mixer has not been activated in the WING menu, the
full aileron travel is available as a flap function. In this case it is
necessary to set the neutral point here for the elevator
compensation mixer.
This is the procedure:
Press the "S" button until "SET" flashes.
Move the transmitter control for the flaps to the position at
which the flaps are retracted (neutral point)
Hold the 3-D hotkey pressed in for 1 second; the elevator now
moves to the new neutral position, and will be mixed in with the
flaps from this position.
Dead zone (LIMT)
This function also only needs to be set
if the FLTR mixer is switched off,
otherwise the value is taken from the
LIMT setting in the WING menu. As
with the offset point, any adjustments
made here also take effect in the
WING / LIMT menu.
If the FLTR mixer in the WING menu has not been activated, the full
aileron travel is available as a flap function. In this case the Limit
function for the elevator compensation is set in this menu.
This is the procedure:
Press the "S" button until "LIMT" flashes.
Move the transmitter control for the flaps to the position at
which the flaps are retracted (neutral point).
Hold the 3-D hotkey pressed in for 1 second; the elevator now
moves to the new neutral position, and will be mixed in with the
flaps from this position.
You can set whether the Limit function takes effect above or
below the defined point by changing the pre-fix; this is done by
rotating the 3-D hotkey.
8.7 V-tail mixer (VTAL)
This mixer combines the signals of the
rudder and elevator in order to
control a V-tail on a model aircraft. It
works in the same way as the XMIX
mixer (see also Section 7.11), but is
programmed to act upon the elevator
and rudder channels.
When the elevator stick is operated, both servos run in the same
direction; when the rudder stick is operated, they move in opposite
Move to the Select menu "VTAL".
A short press on the 3-D hotkey takes you to the Setup menu;
the "%" display flashes.
Arrows under the numbers on the screen indicate that the two
functions 2 and 4 are mixed together.
The arrow above the numbers, and
the flashing "SET and %", indicate that
you can now set the mixer value for
function 2 (elevator).
Rotate the 3-D hotkey to set the servo travel in the form of a
percentage between -100% and +100%. To check this, move the
appropriate stick to both end-points. The default value of 50%
can be left for the moment.
Holding the 3-D hotkey pressed in for 1 second reverts to the
default value (+50%).
Press the "S" button again, and the
rudder channel (4) is highlighted on
the screen. You can now set the servo
travel for the rudder using the
method described above.
Depending on the physical
orientation of the servos and the
control surface linkages you may find
it necessary to reverse the direction of
servo rotation, or the direction of
mixing, so that the servos move in the
same direction for elevator control and in the "correct" opposite
directions for rudder control.
The first step should always be to reverse the servos as required in
order to make the elevator function work correctly. If the mixer then
works in the wrong direction, set the elevator mixer input (2) to -
You may find it necessary to set different travels for the two
functions. In our experience most models are more sensitive to the
elevator, and require slightly more travel for the rudder.
Our recommended starting point:
Elevator (2) = 40%; rudder (4) = 70%
If you connect external mix trimmers to pins 5+6, they can be used
to set the optimum mixer values while the model is in flight.
Trimmers provide the means to override the pre-set values by +/-
When setting the control surface travels, check that the servos
do not strike their mechanical end-stops at full stick travel
when the functions are superimposed.