HOWTO: Potable Water Use
© 2016 by Erwin Hymer Group North America, Inc.
HOWTO: Potable Water Use
Your Roadtrek can operate in either fully self-contained mode, or can be connected to a water supply such as a campsite's
The city water connection is under the rear bumper on the passenger side. Unscrew the white plastic protective cap and
connect your clean hose to the water faucet and this connection point. Turn the faucet on and check for leaks, tightening the
connections as necessary.
Campgrounds and municipalities vary greatly in supplied water pressure. Before connecting to external water
supplies, purchase and install a pressure regulator inline with the water connection.
In a typical campground you may see the faucet with a backflow preventer attached. These look similar to a pressure
regulator but do not affect the pressure. The backflow preventor is there to protect the campground. You need the pressure
regulator to protect yourself from excess pressure.
Backflow preventer
Typical water pressure regulator)
You can fill your tanks using the gravity fills.