Q: I cannot receive/make calls
, my phone has
, or my display reads
. What do I
In any of these cases, there are a number of steps that
you can perform to restore service:
Band Frequency selection
– Some phones may not
detect the correct band frequency automatically.
Use the instructions in the insert provided to ensure
the band frequency is set for the country you are
traveling in. (If your phone detects the band
automatically, no instructions will be provided.)
for most of Europe, Asia and Africa.
for North America, most of South America
and the Caribbean.
Network selection
– If the cellular network you are
currently on is busy, it may prevent incoming or
outgoing calls. Follow the steps included in the insert
provided to manually change the network.
Changing the phone’s line
– Some phones may
offer multiple lines for use; if your phone has
multiple lines, always use
“Line 1”
. Follow the
instructions provided in the insert to manually change
your phone’s line. (If your phone does not have
multiple lines, no instructions will be provided.)
My phone displays
SIM Error
. What do I do?
If your phone displays the message “
SIM Error
”, check
that the SIM card is inserted correctly, and that the gold
surface of the SIM chip is clean. If it still does not work,
contact Roadpost Customer Care from another phone.
G e t h e l p f r e e f r o m y o u r R o a d p o s t p h o n e
+ 1 . 9 0 5 . 2 7 2 . 5 6 6 5
Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g
Your text messaging address
Your cellular number is also your text messaging address.
From a cellular phone:
Follow standard dialing patterns when sending local and
international text messages.
If your cellular number is 44 (0) 7736 123 456,
then your text messaging address is: +44 7736 123 456.
From a computer:
If your cellular number is 44 (0) 7736 123 456,
then your text messaging address is:
[email protected].
G e t h e l p f r e e f r o m y o u r R o a d p o s t p h o n e
+ 1 . 9 0 5 . 2 7 2 . 5 6 6 5
U s i n g Yo u r o n e R o a m ™ Wo r l d S e r v i c e