PenFriend Labeller website
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Battery replacement
PenFriend has an audible “
battery low
” alert to let you know when the
batteries need replacing. When this alert sounds replace the two AAA
batteries. Your recordings will not be affected when replacing the
At the thin end of the back cover is a clip. Gently push the clip towards
the blunt speaker end and lift. The battery lid will come off. PenFriend
runs on standard AAA batteries. Place the lid carefully on the table,
noting the end that has the clip.
Remove the first battery that is in the blunt speaker end, then let the
second battery slide towards the speaker end before removing. Do not
try to remove the second battery at the thin end since the design
ensures it cannot be taken out.
Similarly, when you put in new batteries make sure that the flat end
(negative) is facing the thin end of the PenFriend. Slide it down until it
reaches the spring, then plug-in the first battery with the flat end in
contact with the second battery.
Replace the battery cover by inserting the small nodule at the top of the
cover into the hole at the blunt end of the battery compartment, then
push the cover down. Pull the clip gently towards the thin end and you
will hear a click when it is in place, indicating that the cover has been
If you insert the batteries the wrong way around, no damage will be
done but the PenFriend will not start.