Now that the radio system is fully installed the following items require precise adjustment to achieve the best results.
1. Dual Rates
If dual rates are available for the aileron, elevator and rudder channels, then please ensure that they are all set to the same position for high and low
ie. all up or all down. Either switch position may be selected as the low or high rate. Please see your radio manual for further information.
2. Exponential Setting
We suggest that exponential rate settings for the elevator and aileron remain at zero during the initial test flights. When the model has been properly
trimmed you may adjust the exponential values to achieve the control feel that suits you. When using a fast response gyro on the rudder the
exponential value should be adjusted to approximately 40% to 60% to improve control response.
3. Sub Trim
We suggest that the correct settings be achieved with the minimum use of this function. If the sub trim is used for final adjustments, the values should
not vary by more than +/- 10 from the neutral point. If the values need to be greater than this then please reset the sub trim to zero and recheck
and/or re-adjust the control linkages.
4. Throttle Hold Function
When this switch is activated, the throttle channel is set to stop while still leaving control of the collective pitch active. This is very useful when
practicing autorotation landings.
5. Flybarless Sytem Adjustment
ensure that your Flybarless System is setup as per Manual of the unit.
Incorrect setup can cause seriouse damage to your helicopter and yourself.
In case you never have setup such a sytem, please ask advice from expierent pilot or your Local Hobby Shop.
6. Gyro Direction
The gyro direction has to be set correctly. An uncontrollable pirouette will occur on take off if it is not. To set the gyro direction, turn the radio system
on and move the rudder stick to the right noting in which direction the servo arm moves. Next, suspend the helicopter by the rotor head, watch the
servo arm as you rotate the body of the helicopter counter clockwise. The servo arm should move in the same direction as observed previously. If
the arm moves in the opposite direction, reverse the gyro direction and re-test.
We recommend that a good quality high-speed servo be used for controlling the tail rotor. Please refer to your gyro's instructions for further